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RE: Winners of the CineTv Contest: Significant TV Shows

in CineTV3 years ago (edited)

I would recomment a list of animes to you if you like, paranoia agent was a cool anime for its time, but it was lackluster compared to other weirder more obscure animes of that same year XD, im sure you would love them if you watch them :) or that you migth have watch them before.


I'll appreciate that... I have only recently started liking anime and started with Ghibli Studio... and I have come across a few great ones

Well, ghibli is already the best you can get from movies, bad pick xD you started with the very best studio :C meaning anime will allways be dissapointing for you from now on.

Ghibli has raised the bar too high I agree... even though they're different, Satoshi Kon's animes are great too