Teaching little children about God - Part 17

in Education2 years ago

Last time we looked at Jesus life and ministry here on earth. He taught and he healed the people. People followed Jesus everywhere.

The time of Passover was coming, that was a celebration of God's people, to remember when God saved the Israelites, from the Egyptian King, Farao. Jesus know that he must go to Jerusalem. He sends his disciples to go get a donkey and bring it to Him.
Let's read what the Bible says:
A prophet had spoken a message from God about this long ago. Now it became true. ‘Say to the people in Jerusalem, “Look, your king is coming to you. He does not come like someone who thinks that he is important. He is riding on a donkey. Yes, he is riding on a young donkey.” ’
Matthew 21:4‭-‬5 EASY

Jesus then got onto the donkey and ride into Jerusalem. Lots of people saw Him. They were glad to see Him.


Let's look at what the Bible says:
They brought the donkey and the young donkey to Jesus. They put their coats on the backs of the donkeys. Then Jesus got up and sat on one of them. Many people in the crowd put their coats down on the road. Other people cut branches down from trees. They put these branches down on the road. Many crowds of people went in front of Jesus and other people followed him. All of them were shouting, ‘We praise you, Son of David! God will be good to you! Great is the king who comes with the authority of the Lord God! We praise God in heaven above!’
Matthew 21:7‭-‬9 EASY

Some people who did not know Jesus were asking, "who is this man? People in the crowd answered, "This is the prophet who come from God, Jesus of Nazareth".


After this Jesus did a lot of teaching. He was teaching the people, and the Pharisees.
He again told the disciples that He will die.
He said in two days it will be Passover, the Jews will catch him and fix him to a cross to die.
While Jesus was saying this, the Jewish leaders was planning to kill him. They discussed how and when they will catch him, because they wanted to do it secretly.

The next lesson will be about Jesus eating the last meal with His disciples and what happened at this meal.

Thank you for reading.



Source: https://bible.com/bible/2079/mat.21.7-9.EASY


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