The Best Superpower to Have

in Education2 years ago


The Best Superpower to Have

Hello Friends,

Yesterday I went on a bit of a rant about being a supervillain, so I thought today I should follow that up with having superpowers, as after all, if you have a villain you need heroes... but let's talk about superpowers for a second.

You know the drill. Supervillains attack. Good guys band together to save the world. In the process, they reveal their secret powers and go on to combat evil with amazing abilities like telekinesis, time travel, and mind control. Reducing such narrative tropes to a sentence is unfair, but that’s marketable superpowers in a nutshell. A more nuanced exploration of these themes emerges from asking why we need superpowers in the first place. Why do we need superheroes? Why can’t we just have people with special skills?

Why not just regular human beings who are exceptional because of their intelligence or strength or bravery? These questions might make you think that there must be something wrong with the idea of having superpowers as a way to tackle challenges in life. And you might be right…

It’s not just about having a superpower.

The first thing we need to understand is that it’s not actually about having a superpower. It’s about having an attitude towards life that makes you capable of overcoming challenges. This is what we can learn from superheroes. They show us that we need to grow and develop the right attitude towards life. We need to break the rules of limitation, think outside the box, and learn to use our strengths and find our unique abilities in a way that allows us to become better human beings.

Superheroes are aspirational characters. We admire them and wish that we could do the things they do. We wish we could be as strong or as smart or as noble as they are. In this way, we hope that acquiring superpowers will help us become better and more capable people.

Superpowers are unlimited abilities.

The best way to understand superpowers is to look at how they are used in fiction.

A superpower is a special skill, an extraordinary ability, or a mysterious power that gives you a significant advantage. It allows you to succeed in the biggest challenges you could possibly face. A superpower is something that is so incredible that it has the power to change your life. It could be a mental skill like the ability to focus or some kind of magic power like being able to breathe underwater. It could be a physical skill like being a gifted athlete or a physical transformation like being able to lift heavyweights.

The important thing to remember is that superpowers are not just abilities that make you better than average. They are skills that make you fundamentally different from everyone else.

Becoming an expert is a superpower.

I will venture to say that, becoming an expert is almost a superpower in itself.

When you develop a specialized skill, when you become an expert in a certain field, you have a superpower. You can do things that other people can’t do. You can make a difference in the world. You can take on challenges that most other people wouldn’t be able to take on. You can make a living doing something that other people wouldn’t be able to do.

It doesn’t just give you a skill or a trade that you can use to make money. It doesn’t just give you something to do on the weekends. It changes your life.

Collaboration is a superpower.

Further, I would make an argument that collaboration is a superpower. There is a lot of talk about how we should learn to be more independent. There is a lot of talk about how we should be self-sufficient. There is a lot of talk about how we should be able to do things on our own.

Being able to do things on your own is important. It helps you become a better person. But there is another superpower that is just as important. It’s the ability to collaborate. Being able to collaborate is a special skill. It’s the ability to work with other people, to learn from other people, and to make the best use of the skills and abilities of other people.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, then you have to work with other people. You have to learn from other people. You have to make the best use of the skills and abilities of other people. Collaboration is a superpower that allows you to do this and defeated giant villains.

And resilience.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back when everything goes wrong. It’s the ability to not give up when things are hard. It’s the ability to find a way to succeed when everything seems to be against you.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, then you have to develop resilience. You have to be able to bounce back when things go wrong. You have to be able to keep going even when things are really difficult. You have to be able to find a way to succeed when everything seems to be against you.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, then you have to develop superpowers. You have to become the best version of yourself. You have to make the most of your skills and abilities. You have to develop the skills and abilities that you don’t have yet. And you have to use the superpowers that are already inside you.

Bottom line

The point of all of this is to show that being a superhero is not just about having a superpower. It’s about having an attitude towards life that makes you capable of overcoming challenges. This is what we can learn from superheroes. They show us that we need to grow and develop the right attitude towards life. We need to break the rules of limitation, think outside the box, and learn to use our strengths and find our unique abilities in a way that allows us to become better human beings.

Or, at lest this is what I think, what about you?

  • What is your superpower?
  • How did you acquire this superpower?
  • If you could have any other power, what would it be?

Cheers and thanks for reading!




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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Thanks for reading my post, you inspire me to keep posting!

Thank you for your support!


The point of all of this is to show that being a superhero is not just about having a superpower. It’s about having an attitude towards life that makes you capable of overcoming challenges.

This is really much appreciated and thanks for sharing because it will enable the idea of overcoming challenges when believing in oneself

Having an attitude towards life that makes us capable of overcoming challenges is so important!