in Education5 years ago (edited)

In one of the past reflections on this blog, I spoke about the emotional state of the teacher's health in the midst of the pandemic. Today I base my reflection on the role of the teacher in the midst of the pandemic.
Let us remember that our role will always be centered on didactics and our greatest achievement and success is that our students can achieve good results in their learning in this virtual case.



Today more than ever we are using the virtual medium to guide the teaching-learning process of our students where the teacher really must give classes without speaking, using the computer as the only tool to reach them

Many teachers, are still not familiar with this new role that we have had to play only through virtual education since we have to teach the class without speaking but this shows us that teachers are educated to transform and seek tools even in difficulties to transmit learning to our students because as current teachers and committed to new trends and technology we show that we have multiple alternatives to fulfill our role in any scenario.

This should not be a trite topic in these times of pandemic since teachers also need alternatives and direction in this new role that we are carrying out with much love and performance to ensure that our students have excellent results in virtual education.



It should be noted that the teacher is a guiding researcher and executor of strategies to promote meaningful learning, but in this case it is essential to promote more than all training actions that direct towards the training process and not the results and that we are applying an emergency plan because of the pandemic where we must seek the well-being of both the students and the group involved in this directional process.

That is to say that in this case we have an emerging role and this should not be directed at the content of the subject but rather we have as a specific objective to place our students in the center or essential axis of this process that we are carrying out where the class or Orientation must begin and end with the student to signify opportunities for what they learn.

Within this order of ideas it is important to clarify that this process is related to teaching learning and evaluating not in the traditional way that we have been doing it but as the main processes that give life to the established didactic.

Some teachers are also concerned with how they should assess their students during this virtual process. However, we must bear in mind that the evaluation is not a terminal action that attends only to the results obtained by the students but that this is a continuous and permanent action that is developed throughout the teaching-learning process where it is specifically due favor the personal process of construction of knowledge and promote resources adopted to individual differences in order to avoid conflicts and blocks in learning where it must also be borne in mind that in this emergent case everyone must appeal to a constructive guiding and formative evaluation.



In this sense, it can be pointed out some roles that we must play as an option for students to acquire excellent results.

1.- Motivate the students so that they are the ones who speak, think and argue their ideas, opinions, doubts and can ask all the questions they need to achieve what is proposed.
2.- The teacher in this case should only be a guide to the process where they must permanently develop only training actions such as: reading, writing, reflecting, and talking.
3.- The teacher should focus only on how the student is assimilating the training process and not detail the results since these are not very important in what we really want to promote.
4.- Change or seek a new meaning of evaluation through this virtual process concentrating on their progress and their achievements, avoiding the limitations that they may have in this process.
5.- The evaluation must be formative since the important thing in this process is not the quantitative qualifications but to guide the process.

I recommend using in this case the formative evaluation which is immersed throughout the entire teaching and learning process: evaluation that will take us through observation to the evaluation of each step of said process and that will help us on the one hand In order to inform the student of what their situation is in each virtual moment, always stimulating them hopefully for personal improvement and on the other as a reference for making decisions about the most satisfactory aspects achieved and those of most interest for the effectiveness of educational intervention in the present time which will be a pillar for future learning.
6.- Practice empathy which should never be lacking in our students, whom we must love unconditionally, hear them respect them, understand them, stimulate them, and enhance their abilities.



"Education is an act of love, therefore, an act of courage"
Paulo Freire.

Dear teachers there is nothing more edifying for a vocational teacher than educating and guiding is the most sublime and loving act that we can perform interacting with our students will always be an honor and transmitting ideas and learning from them really make us live and very happy.

"The teaching that leaves a mark is not done from head to head, but from heart to heart"
Howard G. Hendricks

Consulted bibliography. teacher's website, educational magazine.
