Vibes Web3 Week6 Music Competition//Too faithful, A Song Cover by @mickymouse

in Vibes3 months ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, with gratitude to bring forth my entry for week 6 edition of the Vibes Web3 Music Competition.

It's actually a thing of joy to be here in this community and I must tell you it's really incredible here
I am mickymouse and I will be doing a song titled "Too faithful" by Moses Bliss.
Whenever I play this song, I try too look at my past life and the present, comparing them, I can say of a truth that God has been faithful, he is faithful and will continue to be faithful.
I am not good, not righteous, have derailed and wronged him in several ways but he has still been there for me, of a truth God has been merciful to us, He has never failed us, He is always there to see me through, in hard times and in good times, He remains God, that's why I will keep on worshipping him because Him alone deserve my worship. So I'll use this medium to charge you out there listening, if there is anything that you have been longing for him to do for you, don't be tired waiting, just put your trust in Him, because He has never failed and He will never fail you.
So I decided to drop this here with my real vocals, hope it will bless your life too...thanks

here below are lyrics of the song:
"Too faithful"- by Moses Bliss.

You are who you are,
yesterday, today and forevermore
What you say is what you do
You never fail, you never change
You are faithful till the end
Faithful God I worship you

You're too faithful to fail me
You're too faithful to disappoint me
You've proven yourself in my life
And I've come to realize
You're too faithful to fail me

here is the link to my video on x
~~~ embed:1773767725074035010?t=UFEdloEPm9x4SXbrRLVQfw&s=19 twitter metadata:U2lmb25kZUR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vU2lmb25kZUQvc3RhdHVzLzE3NzM3Njc3MjUwNzQwMzUwMTB8 ~~~

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