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in ChallengeEOS4 years ago

Carrot is a vegetable national plant. Carrot can likewise be eaten crude. Can be cooked and eaten once more. Carrot is developed on the mainland of Asia. Carrot is a winter vegetable. The winter season is as of now in progress in Bangladesh. So Carrot is available. Carrot's immense interest in the market is focused on. Carrot is likewise eaten as a Salat.



The carrot tree isn't quite a bit of an adult. Carrot trees are 5 to 25 centimeters tall. Carrot, similar to potatoes, is in the lower some portion of the dirt. Carrot resembles the red shading. A carrot is 4 to 10 cm tall.

Carrots are the best vegetables to dispose of all the regular maladies in winter. Carrots contain bunches of nutrients and minerals. Which builds the body's insusceptibility. Carrots help to purge blood and forestall malignancy. Carrot Blood controls sugar. Consistently eating carrots departs the skin sound and revived. In numerous spots of Bangladesh, carrots are developed in business structure. Carrots are commonly developed on delicate soil.


Thank you for promoting challenge! it needs a lot of promotion and development WITHIN hive!!!!

but you have been muted from #sandiego tribe , please dont try to take SAND tojkens away from san diego residents, i know you arent in my city lol u said ur in bangladesh!!!

its ok just dont promote the use of that tag unless you LIVE here :D