Challenges Going on in the ChallengeEOS Application.

in ChallengeEOS5 years ago

In one way or the other, everyone loves to have fun, but earning something while having fun makes the fun last that you always
want to come back and have more of that thing!


Anyone that comes across the ChallengeEOS application always wanna log in to the app to check for challenges cos of the great reward offered in each of them. Recently, coins like EOS, CHL, and SAND have been shared.

An application that rewards your effort, thereby seeing to your needs and that of the society in extension. You could also be a part of the ChallenegeEOS family and earn crypto completing a simple task.

Below are some of the challenges going on in the ChallengeEOS application.





What is ChallengeEOS Application?
The ChallengeEOS App is an EOSIO based Geo-specific application used to send and receive challenges to earn a reward!

There are two types of challenges one can engage in to receive a reward.

Task Challenge
This has to do with a Challenger simply telling what to do so earn crypto. For example, I could Challenge people to go like my Facebook page, show me proof and get to win real crypto!

Geo Challenge
This has to do with location identification. You get to identify your location is a challenge is set in your region to end real crypto.

For the creation of each of these Challenges, a reward must be attached for those set to complete it. Interesting right? Yeah!

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Very helpful article for newbies. Challengeeos is such an amazing app.