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RE: Day 342 127,500 Russia continues nuclear weapons because they are losing.

in Deep Diveslast year

Speak the truth
Russia loses its most valuable soldiers.

Poland is going to be shipping those tanks over!

And it really looks like this conflict is starting to heat up with the battlefield and different countries getting involved starting to grow. We've got Iran taking large drone strikes from Israel as well as the crazy situations going on in Ukraine itself. It really looks like with all this stress and drama building up this is going to further kick off additional conflicts.

Russian forces are really looking at pushing this entire conflict into a long game to hopefully erode international support in this conflict however I just don't see that happening with Ukrainian forces having the massive amount of seized Russian funds funding this. That actually makes all the difference in the world when you have billions of dollars in seized assets supporting your cause. And that would be the major reason why we see massive amounts of heavy equipment being shipped into the front lines.

Russian State media talking about how they are going to work on dodging sanctions for Iran as well as North Korea and supporting them just continues to underscore the entire State sponsor of terror designation that the Russian federation has earned. Because the Russian federation has earned that, the continued cost of holding that title is going to really affect the Russian population itself. It's pretty scary listening to a known State sponsor of terror talk about aiding and abetting North Korea as well as Iran which both of them have been pretty crazy at causing as much mayhem and violence is possible. The fact that we are seeing Russian State media working on legitimation of this insane idea that helping Iran and North Korea is going to support and prop up the Russian federation conflict with Ukraine is absolute sheer insanity. What they are going to do for Iran is pretty simple which is actually hooking him up with current generation aircraft and more technologically advanced weapons systems.

Korea has been supplying massive amounts of artillery shells and munitions as well stuff that has been stockpiled for such a long time that we're not even sure if it actually works anymore. The fact that Russia has to go back to North Korea and beg them for artillery shells and military aid just shows exactly how crazy the situation is.

And absolutely all of this exclamation of rhetoric as well as continuing just for supply and offer to arm the craziest regimes on the planet is a continued escalation that we are going to see drive a large amount of conflict here in the world.

Lololol more retarded propaganda parroted as fact. Zero research or investigation as the idiotic moron sucks on western propaganda and vomites the regurgitated lies and fabrications as true. Lololololololololol, dEeP dIvE!