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RE: U.S. funded bio-labs in Ukraine goes back to 2005.

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon strongly rejected Kirillov’s claims, calling them “an invention of the imaginative and false Russian disinformation campaign against the West” and “obvious attempts to divert attention from Russia’s bad behavior on many fronts.”

Lol, this reminds me of everyone who when confronted with the Democrats lying they immediately point to Trump and extol that he has so many lies, yet when directly challenged they immediately give up, protesting that they would not have time to list the many lies, because he lies so much, not one, singular lie stands out even, he lies so much, that they can't list any lies. In this incident, this Secretary says that there's so many bad things Russia is implicated in, that not one single thing stands out to exemplify precisely how bad Russia is, which in all Obviousness, would be insurmountable in conveying the otherwise unimpressive and unsubstantiated claim that Russia is bad, and at the same time it reveals that the unsubstantiated and baseless claims that Russia is bad "Russia’s bad behavior on many fronts" is their most powerful messages, a vague remark. The same for the initial response denying while they accuse them of Misinformation. Either the Russians and or Georgians are lying and that Secretary points out specifically the lie, or Distortion of Context as Misinformation implies, or they fall back on vague dismissal and outright insults and baseless accusations of deceit instead of bolstering their credibility in the face of this deceit revealed by Georgia by detailing what is incorrect or omitted etc, because its a Total Invention, a complete invention, the US has nothing to do with that facility. So why not say Specifically that its completely invented and instead say its Misinformation? Is it because even something as unsubstantiated and vague as completely invented would be too devastatingly incorrect to the reality of the extent of US involvement in that facility that you have to place a discrete exit clause with "Disinformation". We are left with a suggestion that the facility isn't TOTALLY funded by the US. So, what's the US not funding.. Why not bolster your credibility in the face of these charges of secrecy and deception by stating plainly and factually exactly why or how It's an invention, its not true... Because the best they have is vague and unsubstantiated remarks that only convey further suspicion and arouse skepticism.Same for why not point out an important and revealing lie, of the many Trump lies, because not one lie even stands out?


To me, it's really strange the U.S. chose Ukraine for bio-labs. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. There should be much more than "official" media/government narratives.