You should allow people to learn, change their mind, and be wrong.
Except for narcissists. They are evil.
Actually, that is most of the problem. We are dealing with a lot of narcissists. Especially at the top of the social media pile.
One of their go to moves is to gaslight. To question what you said in such a way, so as you doubt your own reality. They set things up so if you question them, or not, you are the crazy one.
I've known a few racists in my life. And they were old when i was young. And they pretty much just ignored the other group. They didn't do what all these anti-rashish people constantly blab on about.
To me, it is all virtue signalling. Tear down your neighbor so you look better.
Soon, it will be a sign (virtue signalling) to never deal with you again.
and with the block-chain, there may become lists where a faction is never dealt with again.