Patterned to Persist Logically

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Etymological Plunge

Let’s do a deep dive into some words to see how they relate to each other. The word proportion relates to comparative relation (correlation), analogy; a relation of one part to another; a relation in size, degree, number; to measure, compare, to see the division and parts. It comes from the Latin pro “for” + partio/portio “division”, a share, piece part; a portion of a whole.

Analogy is according to ratio, from Greek analogia “proportion”, from ana- “upon, according to” + logos “ratio”. Related to ratio, rational, reason, logic, truth, thought, thinking, contemplation, concentration, meditation, reflection, measure. Analogies help us makes sense of one thing compared and corresponded to another. Parables and allegories do similar. When we make an analogy, we make a comparison between two things and determine a relative proportionality, a ratio of similarity and difference that can be imprinted as a pattern. This pattern of correspondence can be seen in things as they are compared to each other. Sometimes this evidence helps us discover laws.

Correlations are to connect and correspond, from the Latin re- “back, again” + latus “carried, borne”, from *tlatos and then the PIE root *tele- "to bear, carry, left, support, weigh", the root for extol “to place on high, raise, elevate”. Greek cognates are talantos "bearing, suffering," tolman "to carry, bear," talenton "a balance, scales” and Atlas, the “Bearer (of the Heavens)”. A balance or pair of scales splits or divides things in correspondence to one another to measure or weight them. Balance, from bis and bi-, “two” + lanx “dish, scales”. Proportions, ratios and relations have to do with division into parts. Rational is rooted in ratio which is from a Latin root with meanings of reckoning, numbering, calculation, reason, reasoning, judgment, understanding. The word reason comes from the Latin rationem.

Carry and bear relate to the Latin referre (English refer), to trace back, bring back, bear back, carry back, from re- “back” + ferre “carry”. Infer is similar, to bring into, carry in; deduce, conclude, draw an inference; bring against. Infer and deduce relate to logic. Correspond is co-respond, to respond together, to pledge back, promise a return. Like the prime ratio 1:1, and cause and effect which are reciprocal and promise returns by responding together. As one is output it causes and reciprocates a return in energy as an effect. This aspect of carrying and bearing will be more relevant later. This etymological breakdown was to make connections between words.


Logic, Knowledge and Persistence

Logic is at the fabric of our daily lives. From Greek logos “word, speech, discourse,” also “reason,” from PIE root *leg- “to collect, gather”. The word knowledge comes from the Greek gnosis and gno. The word for “know” in Latin is scio, the root for “science”. Knowledge is something cut, divided and separated for it to be known as it is, apart, split and dissected, compared and contrast to something else.

To further understand what is cut apart, requires collecting the pieces to assimilate them in a non-contradictory manner (the law of non-contradiction, logic). Logic collects and gathers the knowledge in order to further compare and contrast, to analyze and diagnose (discern, distinguish, to learn and come to know apart from another). Patterns are detected by comparing the collected data. Logic is required for greater inner-vision, awareness and pattern recognition of reality.

Conscience and consciousness can develop towards the apotheosis of higher consciousness and the Eye of Providence vision to forge a fate and destiny that benefits us all. Knowledge and vision of the past provides a guide and foresight to improve the future. This power potential we have can enable us to transcend various forms of conditioning and programming that keep us living under the thumbs of others; living lives with fates and destinies manipulated by others; living as lower, falser and unrealer selves.

Patterns and Persistence

Patterns are a repetition, like a cycle, loop or recursion. They demonstrate a form of persistence, something that recurs, which can be recognized as knowledge. Persistence and repetition is the methodology of science. An apple comes into existence and persists. It doesn’t disappear out of existence immediately. It needs to be consumed by an animal, by fire or by time to rot and cease to exist. Persistence demonstrates its existence.

All biological constructs engage in replication and renewal for persistence and survival of their being. Our bodies apparently renew completely every 7 years. Simple elemental constructs or compounds don’t replicate or renew themselves. Bio-life is a higher order construct than non-biological matter. And psychological constructs like those in the animal kingdom are higher order constructs than non-psychological biological constructs in the other 6 kingdoms of life. Higher order complexity brings higher order functionality, such as consciousness, the higher form of life.

The methodology of science tests the repeated existence of things, even if they only appear for the duration of the method or experiment that tests for them. Repeating the method will persistently produce the existence of an aspect of reality that isn’t normally observed to repeatedly persist. Matter in general repeatedly persists. Repeatability is a ratio or proportion between what something is now, compared to what it was before (present vs. past). What exists and is repeatable is seen as the persistence of a state through time. It is knowledge of what exists, because it is repeatable to show that it exists. Not everything can be repeated or demonstrated to have existed, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. We just can’t claim to know it to be true.

There is a difference between what we ourselves can verify and demonstrate and what others can. Truth is repeatable, replicable, demonstrable, verifiable. That is when we can apply the term truth to something. There are things we can demonstrate in our own first-hand experience, and there are things that are secondhand or third hand, coming from other people who have certain qualifications and technology in order to validate and demonstrate something as being in reality. They can repeat a process or methodology to demonstrate the repeatable existence and truth of something. Some things can happen and exist in the moment (only for a moment), and then disappear, making them difficult to be easily verified.


"Let’s do a deep dive into some words.."

How about the words "deep dive" - what does that mean?

Diving deep into something, rather than narrowly swimming in something. Depth vs. surface.

So "deep diving" is defined as "diving deep into something"? Hmmm I see what you did there :P

I always end up remembering the quote attributed to Gustave Flaubert:

There is no truth. There is only perception.

Not, of course, to be confused with facts.

"It is 20 degrees today" might be a fact.

Bob says "It's warm today!" and Susan says "It's a bit chilly today!" and both might be speaking "truth," as coming from their perception of reality.

It all definitely becomes a deep dive in no time at all!

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There is no truth. There is only perception.

Well that statement is untrue. Warms vs. chilly would be a semantic argument. The shade could be chilly with some wind, while it's warm to bask in the sun 3 feet away, maybe even with the wind blocked. If they switch places, they would discover the spatial reality that reflects the others assessment of the temperature ;)

Let's see the meaning of αλήθεια/aletheia=truth in Greek. The Greek word stems from the alpha privative α which expresses negation and λήθη/lethe which expresses oblivion/ forgetfulness. So the meaning of aletheia is saying to neutralise the lethe, the truth that had once been known but has been forgotten, therefore to remember again not to discover it as something new.

Seems in Greek it means what is not hidden, what has not escaped notice, which makes sense.

Actually the opposite, what has escaped notice, therefore the constant seek for truth, otherwise we would already know the truth and we wouldn't need to grasp it. And also it is hidden in terms of being covered by the lethe - the forgetfulness. At first it used to be clear but as time as we're measuring it with our clocks and calendars passed by it has been forgotten and we need to rediscover it - remember it. Everything we see beyond our direct view of our eyes (including our human made instruments) is looking at the past. What we can see in the cosmos out there is not now, they're past images. And we humans being products of the cosmos and the laws of the spacetime continuum knew or were closer to the truth, even without having developed speech but has been unfortunately left behind. The more the human kind developed the further deviated from the truth. The meaning of the word goes way deeper than the meaning being given to it in english.

The way you write is just amazing. I don't know how I didn't find out about your page before.
Do you believe that there are people who can speak fluently five, six or even ten foreign languages?
If there are I was wondering how they would translate your post without any translation tool.

Speaking so many languages is nice indeed. It's impressive.