Creating a trend of dissecting the integrity of value and how this has power to transform the collective and the known world

in Deep Dives3 months ago (edited)


Once the greater collective mind starts to dissect the integrity of 'value' - it will find to a great degree the wool that's been pulled over its eyes by perception. The art of creating value through controlling the perception of something is a skill that is age-old.

Traditions upheld over time repeated into the collective mind create a store of value through their frequency and use and intuitively we are attracted to that value - a decision (conscious or unconscious) by the collective to create a bank of energy within a symbol.

Angling perception in such a way, and being seen only in particular ways, in order to project the idea of being a particular role and then walking into it as a vulnerable being - is a type of magick.

Why would I go to the depths of speaking all of this?

I want to expose 'value' and I wish to expose perception and perceptual value.

I want to create systems of mind and in this create trends whereby the greater collective places value on self-realisation and on 'reinventing the wheel' by redefining what words mean - and in this process discover what they actually mean now - discovering how much that is sitting in the subconscious is not actually inline with their declared pure intention.

By refining our intellect and fixing our intuitive compass we can align with truth as value again and in this set systems to maintain in honesty what truth actually is - real reality that comes as close as possible to the boundaries of this co-subjective reality we call 'the objective world'.

As the store of value in things and people gets more and more ridiculous - NFTs and Tiktok heroes - it gets easier to sharply reveal the paradox of 'value'. Which in turn enlightens some and forces yet others to cover their awareness with more darkness so as not to see the light.

When this begins - an unraveling will start to occur, an unraveling that cannot be stopped.

We then question the value of plastic money or electronic numbers as well as the value of accumulated fame - or the value we place in roles within the community and the value of religious customs or culture. Seeing how value is generated and how it has been maintained will reveal too much for some to bear.

New systems of mind will be created and made into new culture to then hide real value again - and to stop them from seeing real reality to maintain forms of identity not inline with source for yet another aeon.

Value needs redefinition and purification. In doing so we return to real reality (or at least come as close to it as possible which allows us a fertile ground to see yet more of it).

When I lived in a forest squat south of London over ten years ago, I had the opportunity to place value only on my immediate direct physical needs - and in this, live on the land with my behaviour oriented around the needs of myself and my community inline with the needs, productivity, equilibrium and health of the land we lived on.

This was an experience of a time in my life where my definition of 'value' was purified. This gave me perspective and made me see how in the slow but certain removal of our connection with the land which is controlled within much of present society - our definition of value then becomes easy to manipulate being disconnected from our source.

What is valuable?

What has real value?

Why do I place importance on particular thing or a person? Is it because it actually has use or assists me to see more of myself or is it because the group places value on it and thereby I also place value on it.

Really question this. Ask others the same. See where it goes.

When we start pulling down the empires of perception - those that have held their spots and passed them down in family lines will also fall. Systems of artificial 'value' creation passed down throughout history is reflected in all areas of human activity and industry.

One notable of which is the music industry. I used to grow up listen to something and think - wow that really is ordinary - then being a fragile subtle being see how the group responded to it - I then suddenly placed value on it and started to see and justify why it had/has value after feeling the emotional charge others were putting on it. I was young and in many of my younger years I can say now looking back that I was unable to maintain a separate identity - though claiming to do so - as was the idea of 'freedom' and 'individuality' in the western culture I grew up in.

But even at this time, I was able to some small degree see where my mind went away from truth in creating that value and something in my mind observed this and put a little marker on it (like a bookmark in a well read book) to bring myself back to that page and re-analyse what was going on in this 'group attention' created 'value' and the way repetition and frequency mixed with emotional charge and/or induced sexual drive generated value - creating a frequency within the group which then became a trend with potential to shift long-term culture.

Street music taught me so much about this - I would walk into a role, defined by the group - namely, the tortured traveling poet/musician with a bent on society - I felt the energy of Woodstock within me and I willingly engaged with that particular pool of 'value' within the collective - I tapped into it and met many 'familiar' personalities - people responded to me as someone living the life of freedom where they could not and often went out of their way to assist me - while yet others were not so kind. The impression I made and the identity projected onto me by the people around me depending on location - decided where I fitted on that spectrum. As long as I maintained enough congruity with the patterns, scales, rhythms and image of the music of this era - I provided myself with a doorway to walk into this collective pool of energy and claim it as mine.

Watching street performers at the Edinburgh fringe and watching people who I knew were not famous generate fame value with certain tricks to convince people quickly that value was present - this exposed to me the fallacy of value and the way the group creates value - within this most are unconscious of their involvement. Others yet again, will come out the other end using their intellect to justify why they made that decision but still going with the natural flow of the collectively placed value - in their minds they are independent and individual. I mixed socially with these performers and through this osmosis I felt the energy of this magick. The ability to create value out of nothing for a short time temporarily - then dip back into the shadows as an unknown - a much more desirable role than being permanently famous as I have discovered in relations with the latter.

As more and more people see that individuality as it is perceived today is a conditioned belief system - they will crave true independence of mind and true authenticity - and in this, go on a massive search and place a great emotional charge in the pursuit of dissecting value in their world.

When the trend of truth seeking reaches a zenith within the group we will live in a very different world. When this starts to happen on a greater and greater level. The social order will crumble and systems we are now dependent on survival will collapse.

This is not necessarily desirable. The system is holding up a lot and in collapsing will make a lot of people redundant and without a means to live. Billions of people that support a system that supports them - a system that is a cancer and a leech on the earth in many ways, yes - but still it holds up all this life for now.

So we live in the middle, neither hot nor cold.

Do we press the switch of self-realisation and cause the group to fall into the void forcing it to take self-responsibility?

Or do we wait and sit and attempt to just live equally in some way while the walls of the system close around us in greater and greater measures of control and deprivation of our rights?

To play the devil's advocate - for the greatest survival value and the kindest option for humanity - maybe NOT pressing this button is the better option. As an anarchist living on the streets of Australia I have often been caught up in the anger of the moment and wanted so much for this system to collapse. Meditating on this idea and the implications have showed me that it may not be that simple.

Many do not want to be aware and yet could live long lives simply if just allowed the space to do so.

Or is it inevitable that the button is pressed or that it has already been done and the encroaching control of the system with AI in development is just a reaction to the inevitable fall into the abyss of the helpless human - which in turn forces people to make a choice - be aware or deliberately choose not to be aware.

The choice is yours I suppose.

