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RE: Conspiracy Wars & The Attack Of The Thought Clones

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

I agree, it will get darker before the dawn. Yes, this is true.

But my statement, there is no saving anyone, is not a negative one. It's a statement of fact. It's a maxim by which to reference from.

You cannot teach someone to be an independent sovereign over night. There is no more time.

The idea that anyone can be saved now, is ludicrous because the group mind that has already gone in one direction cannot suddenly create independent individuals. If you think that people can be saved by swaying that 10% percent to sway that mass in a different direction, you're missing my point.

The fact that this needs to happen for something to change is the entirety of the problem.

The majority, no matter how independent believing themselves to be that they are, are 'the beast'. A group mind that just does what the other does.

The crux of the problem of our time is that people are not true individuals.

There is no 'saving' anyone because what the individual needs to be in order to be saved is to be an independently separated stock, a self-realised whole within the one. This idea of saving the mass - this mass and its conglomeration is the problem itself. Those that are group mind will be group mind still and those that are independent sovereigns will be independent still.

I am alone, you are alone, we all are alone.


This choice to be independent from the group mind must be a decision from the core of the individual.

If the individual's decision is influenced by the group mind in any way, it is not genuine.

It could be said that the purpose of con-sciousness is to provide fertile ground for individuals to make this lonely decision.

Ha, good answer. My blog name is a nod to a childhood disconnection from the general consensus and the following of my own perceptualflaws. I do very much agree, just not sure I explained myself very well as I was/am holding back due to the fact that I’m going to be covering some of these areas in the second part of my next post. Earlier this evening I was scribbling notes for what would be my final conspiracy post (actually the pace of change may draw me out of retirement, so potentially famous last words lol), erm intended final conspiracy post! :D I wrote, "at the bottom of the conspiracy rabbit hole I found myself". I very much believe the momentum has gone too far in the other direction, the group mind (from my perspective) the encroaching collective insanity, the mind virus will one day reach a psychotic fever pitch, that will probably take us towards war and social breakdown, alas I don’t think many are neither ready, nor want to hear it .. in all honesty it’s not often I speak to someone that will acknowledge it.

The weight of momentum, general consensus, peer pressure, fear, materialism, ignorance, and arrogance, dictates that it can only move in one direction, like a wave that will eventually cleanse all in its wake then begin to recede, or like I wrote about in the previous post, a burn cycle, or the breaking of dawn. When I speak of salvation, of course I would be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that at this level I want to help people, deep down most people do, albeit sometimes subconsciously externalising the fact that they’re trying to help themselves.

That said, when I mention salvation I speak from an internal perspective on what is a deeply personal journey. That the world is a wet stone, my mind, spirit, conscious awareness, the blade that requires an opposing force with which to sharpen it, push too hard and you will blunt the edge, don’t push enough and you will never fulfill your true potential. Ultimately I realised that there was myself, and my salvation came from facing my demons, my fears (which we also too often fail to acknowledge that we manifest in our interpretations of the world) and in doing so I obtained a rudimentary personal glimpse into how this works and the nature of the reality that we inhabit, and thus my salvation is an ability to let go of the fear and detach myself from it .. see it for what it is, swim in the other direction, whilst at the same time keeping a good intent, love and loved ones in my heart.

At the end of day when this all plays out, as the track @luca1777 recorded the other day, we are going to be left with a choice between fear or love, who will stand firm and see this for what it really is, and who will allow the seething ferocity of fear to sweep them away. I have no fear and thus whatever happens I will always attempt to work with and not counter intuitive to the reality grain, even if it becomes counter intuitive to my best materialist interests.

When I speak of salvation, of course I would be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that at this level I want to help people, deep down most people do, albeit sometimes subconsciously externalising the fact that they’re trying to help themselves.

This is just it, to me, I stopped trying to 'help' people because at this level, at the time of the end of time we are in, in this moment - it can now be accurately pinpointed that this need to 'help' people is based on individual insecurities.

This world is mind and our internal struggles are its externalisation. It is one thing to know this in theory and it is another to see it and know it as it is.

My favourite quote goes here, 'The map is not the territory'.

It's great to reflect, thanks for the conversation.

This world is mind and our internal struggles are its externalisation. It is one thing to know this in theory and it is another to see it and know it as it is.

Yes I concur, ultimately without direct experience, our words betray our inexperience. All is ultimately a reflection, alas very few are able to reflect upon their shadows .. and thus project them onto one another, and ultimately end up fighting themselves. It's a strange old world. ;) Thanks again dude!