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RE: Perpetuating Tyranny: Covid & Climate Change Teaming Up to Steal Your Freedom

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Fabulous compilation of information. I've been sitting here already for an hour perusing the links. Listening to Vandana Shiva now. Can't find the actual link to the interview with Astrid somebody whistle blower from the WHO. This person is new to me, so I am particularly interested in what she has to say.

The climate hoax has been added to the mix so that we accept the reduction of the human population on earth. We are constantly told that we little people are the ones causing all the problems, by using straws, driving to Trader Joes instead of a more local market, eating meat, breathing the air.

Thank you for your work.


Thank you for the kind words and support. About a week before the vaccines were approved CNN aired a report saying not to worry if old people started dying after taking the vaccine, they were going to die anyway. Being 75, this gave me some cause for concern.

I know, I saw it, posted it on FB (where I am referred to as "fanatic"m extremist, and "domestic terrorist".

When our elders died previous to the vaccine, it was because they had covid, no matter their symptoms. I am shocked that smart people cannot see through this obvious ruse.

This post has led me to several extremely valuable videos, thank you so much for being among us.

I'm 75, this stuff scares the shit out of me!

I'm right behind you, but I find it exciting. Weird, I know. I finally have something I feel so strongly about, that I am willing to alienate family and friends for it. The good part is making new friends, and seeing the world very differently. Fear is a passing feeling. Love rushes into any spaces that fear briefly occupies. We've got this.

Welcome to the looney bin! People have been calling me a conspiracy nut since the 70s when I started investigating the Kennedys' and MLK assassinations. Take it from an old combat vet, fear can only affect you if you let it. If used right it's a very valuable tool.

Here is the one I was looking for, Stuckelberger and Fullmich, in English. It is in one of your links, I just didn't scroll down far enough. And it is essential viewing.