DNC Hackers, UC Global and the Fate of Julian Assange

in Deep Dives4 years ago


[Auth Note: I want to thank @ausbitbank for forwarding me the testimony of the UC Global agents, it sheds new light on why the Trump administration is going after Julian Assange with such vehemence]

The testimony of the anonymous witnesses from UC Global provides some much needed perspective as to why the Trump administration is going after Julian Assange with such vehemence, however, new revelations about the DNC hackers also helps paint a more accurate picture about what’s really going on behind the scenes. The fact is, Julian Assange and Wikileaks may not have been the source of the DNC “hacks” after all. According to journalist George Eliason, the information on the DNC, Ukraine and the “Russian collusion” narrative was a DNC insider whose online personna is “Alice.”

“What you are about to read clears Julian Assange of receiving the DNC hack material from the Russians and clears the Russian government from responsibility of the hack and 2016 election influence campaign. Because WikiLeaks was the third to publish the leaked DNC files and took no part in their removal, revealing Alice’s identity and the part she played in the DNC hack is the final leg showing there is no case against Assange possible if there was no crime committed against the DNC.”

“Her hacking nom de guerre is Alice. All her hacking group’s names are based in Lewis Carroll’s In Through the Looking Glass. Her real name is Irina Shevchenko. She was born in Ukraine. She lives in Ukraine. She works in Kiev. She is Ukrainian. Shevchenko worked with the Ukrainian government through the Ukrainian Ministry of Information Policy. Irina worked with the Ukrainian SBU.”


Shevchenko was a part of Democrat operative Alexandra Chalupa’s disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting the Trump campaign by tying them to Russia, and later to Ukraine. The question is, given that the Trump administration must have this information, why are they going after Assange rather than Chalupa, Shevchenko, et.al.? Even the Obama administration declined to use the Espionage Act to prosecute Assange, something the Trump DOJ seems ready to undertake.

“The Obama administration had debates over the Espionage Act against Julian Assange but came to the conclusion to decide against it.”


This raises two very interesting questions: First, just how much influence does Trump maintain over his own DOJ, and second: is the US Government recognizing Wikileaks as a legitimate news source. They can’t have it both ways, either Assange is a journalist and Wikileaks is a legitimate journalistic platform, or they’re not, a claim made by the Trump DOJ.

“But President Trump has been at war with the press that often refers to as “enemy of the people” and doesn’t have a problem with going after the press. The Justice Department under Trump has said the hacked material was published with no regard to the safety of those named in the leaks therefore Assange isn’t defined as being a journalist.”


According to Eliason, the US Government began working on the Russia collusion narrative as far back as 2014, a year before Trump announced his candidacy. “But the reality is I started breaking all these stories in late 2014. I followed their development through the lens of the groups, actors, contractors, US Government officials, and clients who were setting this entire operation up from the time it was in the early stages of brainstorming and strategy building.”

Apparently this strategy was going to be used against whoever the Republican candidate was, Trump just happened to win the nomination. “The DNC, Clinton, Obama-Biden, ODNI, FBI, Ukraine, and Ukrainian Diaspora collusion in the 2016 election interference stories.Election interference including US media, social media blackballing and de-platforming of journalists and media platforms.   Blacklisting journalists that began in 2015 and went mainstream with the introduction of fake news. FBI criminally hiding the DNC hacker as part of the Obama administration led IO.The development of the US coup and IO in Ukraine. The events from 2014 Maidan, MH-17 through 2016 were part of that.”


None of this had anything whatsoever to do with Julian Assange and/or Wikileaks. This is all criminality done by the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign.  “The Information Operation in Ukraine morphed into the Information Operation against Donald Trump resulting in his impeachment and the ongoing protests, riots, and Intel community coup attempts.” And who was Obama's point man in Ukraine… VP Joe Biden. But none of this explains why the Trump administration is going after Assange.

“Before we get to the big reveal, it’s important to emphasize the Obama-Biden administration, FBI, ODNI, CIA, FBI, Robert Mueller, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Team Clinton, Alexandra Chalupa, the US Embassy in Kiev, the Kerry State Department, the Ukrainian government, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Ukrainian Ministry of Information Policy, SCL, IOTA-Global, Cambridge Analytica, the Atlantic Council, Crowdstrike (Alperovitch), Bellingcat, Aaron Weisburd, and a host of DNC related groups knew who the DNC hacker was before the hack allegations began.” 


It was Hillary Clinton that ordered the hacks to happen, something that exonerates Assange and Wikileaks. The murder of Seth Rich was likely done to cover up the real source of the hacks. It was the same people that had the most to lose from the discovery of the Clinton/Chalupa/Shevchenko alliance, people tied directly to Hillary Clinton and her campaign which explains the presence of Donna Brazile and Muriel Bowser at the hospital where Seth Rich was being treated for non-fatal gunshot wounds. But none of this explains why the Trump DOJ is going after Assange hammer and tongs unless Trump has no control of the DOJ.

This brings into question several of Trump’s appointments, in particular, Atty. Gen. Bill Barr, who has dedicated his life to the preservation of the Deep State, FBI Director Christopher Wray, the politically corrupted bureau that was behind the coup, and CIA Director Gina Haspel who was Bureau Chief London when the FBI and British Intelligence were behind concocting the Steele dossier and the Russia collusion narrative.

“But the big takeaway from all of this is Hillary Clinton ordered the DNC hack to happen. This one point exonerates Julian Assange from liability for the files WikiLeaks released. She didn’t want Julian Assange or Wikileaks in a position to leak any more information about her “incoming” administration.”


It seems that the same Deep State actors are still trying to neutralize Assange and Wikileaks. Similarly: “They identified themselves as Crowdstrike’s Fancy Bear/Cozy Bear in October 2016 when Ukraine’s CyberHunta hacked teammate Shaltay Boltay using what was then Fancy Bear proprietary tools. No one had the tools except Crowdstrike and the Ukrainian Fancy Bear groups.”


The DNC effectively hired Crowdstrike to investigate itself -- an investigation that pointed the finger of guilt at Assange and “Russian hackers.”The FBI protected these groups and when interviewing one of the subgroups allegedly offered a US passport, money, an apartment, and work if the interviewee would pin the hack on Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Six of the eight servers linked to the hack belong to Shaltay Boltay.”

“Since we know Crowdstrike had nothing and ramped up the war on Donald Trump we can safely assert the entire episode was to control the election results and the just released CIA documents prove the point.”


In other words Assange is just the fall guy. “Just declassified. Ex-CIA Director John Brennan warned both Comey and Stzork [sic] about HC's plan to distract from her basement server by framing Trump as a Russian spy.”


The intelligence community was in on it the whole time. The question is who was it that hacked the DNC server? Clearly it wasn’t Assange, Wikileaks, or Russian hackers. “Or was it the Obama-Biden administration, FBI, ODNI, CIA, FBI, Robert Mueller, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Team Clinton, Alexandra Chalupa, the US Embassy in Kiev, the Kerry State Department, Ukrainian government, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Ukrainian Ministry of Information Policy, SCL, IOTA-Global, Cambridge Analytica, the Atlantic Council, Crowdstrike(Alperovitch), Bellingcat, Aaron Weisburd, and a host of DNC related groups?”

The real question, however, is:

"If Shevchenko can’t be charged for the DNC hack, how can Julian Assange if WikiLeaks was the 3rd in line to publish the DNC leaks?"


The answer to that question might be found in the testimony of the UC Global agents.

UC Global and the Persecution of Julian Assange

The anonymous testimony by two UC Global agents, the Spanish company tasked with security for the Ecuadorian Embassy, may hold the key to understanding why the Trump administration is hell bent on making sure that Julian Assange never again sees the light of day. The ironic thing is that the Obama administration, those with the most to hide from the DNC hack revelations, declined to prosecute Assange under the Espionage Act, while the Trump administration is. Perhaps it is people within or associated with the Trump administration who have the most to hide.

In view of Mr. Eliason’s revelations, it looks like Assange, Wikileaks, along with Seth Rich, are among the least culpable actors in this whole bizarre scenario -- one that cost Rich his life and Assange his freedom. Assange may know something but the Ukranian/DNC hacks don’t appear to be what it is, unless Rich uncovered the source of the hacks and forwarded it to Assange. Factoring in the testimony of the two anonymous witnesses leads us in an entirely new direction.

One name mentioned by both witnesses, in addition to David Morales, is long-time Trump supporter Sheldon Adelson -- this in concert with US Intelligence agencies. We know from the previous article they’re talking about the CIA. Witness #1 recounts how UC Global secured the contract to provide security at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London by paying off members of the Ecuadorian Intelligence Service.

“Thus, and although I am not aware of all of the details – given the fact that David Morales managed the company entirely on his own - in order to win the embassy security contract, Morales made payments for commissions to the SENAIN authorities (Servicio Nacional de Inteligencia de Ecuador) which was the entity in charge of approving the award of the security contract to a private security firm, in this case UC Global.”


Witness #1 (W-1) then goes on to talk about a meeting between Morales, Sheldon Adelson sometime around August of 2016 to provide security aboard Adelson’s yacht -- curious because the yacht already had security.

“After his initial travels to the United States, UC Global obtained a flashy contract, personally managed by David Morales, with the company Las Vegas Sands, which was owned by the tycoon Sheldon Adelson, whose proximity to Donald Trump is public knowledge (at the time Trump was the presidential candidate). The contract did not make sense because its purpose was to provide security to the luxury boat that belongs to Sheldon Adelson, the Queen Miri, when the boat entered the Mediterranean Sea. That is to say, the contract was to provide security to the luxury boat during the short period during which it found itself in Mediterranean waters. But the most striking thing about it was that the boat had its own security, which consisted of a sophisticated security detail, and that the contract consisted in adding an additional person, in this case, David Morales, for a very short period of time, through which David Morales would receive an elevated sum.”

“After returning from one of his trips to the United States, David Morales gathered all the workers in the office in Jerez and told us that ‘we have moved up and from now on we will be playing in the big league.’ During a private conversation with David, I asked him what he was referring to when he said we had moved up into ‘the big league.’ David replied, without going into further detail, that he had switched over to “the dark side” referring to cooperating with US authorities, and as a result of that collaboration ‘the Americans will get us contracts all over the world’”.

“In addition to the new contract, after Morales’s return from Las Vegas and his comments about “the big league” and switching to “the dark side”, I learned through my conversation with Davis Morales that he had entered into illegal agreements with U.S. authorities to supply them with sensitive information about Mr. Assange and Rafael Correa, given that UC Global was responsible for the embassy security where Mr. Assange was located.”


W-1 also testified that after the election of Donald Trump, Morales’ trips to the US to meet with US Intelligence officials intensified, as did Morales’ bankroll. “However, as a result of the parallel agreement that David Morales has signed with U.S. authorities, Morales commented that these reports would also be sent to “the dark side”. In order to do this, David Morales began making regular trips to the United States, principally to New York but also Chicago and Washington, he told me he was traveling to talk with ‘our American friends.’”

“At times, when I asked insistently who his ‘American friends’ were, David Morales replied “U.S. intelligence”. However, when I asked who specifically he was meeting with to provide this information, Mr David Morales would cut me off and stated that this was a matter he was managing separately from the company.”


The purpose of the UC Global/US Intelligence relationship was to gather intel on Julian Assange -- Morales gathered the intel and turned it over to the CIA. “From 2017, with the victory of Donald Trump, I realized that David Morales’s trips to see “the American friends”, which he did not want anyone else at the company to take part in, began to escalate. More specifically, around June or July 2017 David Morales began to develop a sophisticated information collection system inside the embassy. He asked the employees who were physically inside the embassy to intensify and deepen their information collection. The employees also received the instruction from David Morales to change the internal and external cameras of the embassy.”


According to W-1, this was a direct violation of the agreement UC Global had with the Ecuadorian Government, that was one reason that he came forward. Witness #2 (W-2) tells a similar story. It was W-2 who was tasked with going to London every month to collect the data. He too talks about the involvement of Sheldon Adelson.

“I remember that Sheldon Adelson himself – who is on the public record as being very close to President Donald Trump—increased his ties with UC Global because at one point David Morales was personally put in charge of the security of the magnate and his children when they visited Europe, in their Summer trips to Nice and Ibiza.”


W-2 goes on to testify about installing the surveillance equipment at the Ecuadorian Embassy -- noting that all of the surveillance was being done at the behest of US Intelligence services.

“Around June 2017, while I was sourcing providers for the new camera equipment, David Morales instructed that the cameras should allow streaming capabilities so that “our friends in the United States”, as Morales explicitly put it, would be able to gain access to the interior of the embassy in real time. This request alarmed me greatly, and in order to impede the request, I claimed that remote access via streaming the camera circuit was not technically achievable. David Morales continued to insist that we must proceed to open the circuit “for the Americans”, and soon after Morales emailed me a Powerpoint document. This document was in English and contained instructions in minute detail of how to capacitate the system for remote access via streaming. Obviously, Morales did not have such technical knowledge, so the document must have been supplied by a third party. I suspect that it could have been US intelligence, given that it was in English. Once more, I refused, this time alleging that it was manifestly illegal, and therefore could not be a requirement of the contract, while also attempting to persuade Morales as a means of dissuading him that this would clearly be discovered by Mr. Assange, as I knew that this argument would restrain Morales. I did this because I did not want to collaborate in an illegal act of this magnitude.”

“David Morales indicated that the purpose of installing the microphones, as per the request of the United States, was for the microphones and cameras which were situated in places like the meeting room to record the meetings that Assange has with his visitors, but especially those of his defence attorneys and, very specifically, the coordinator of his legal defence Baltasar Garzon. Morales subsequently stated that gathering information on Garzon should be prioritised, the security guards at the embassy were requested to search for evidence of travels to Argentina and Russia in Garzon’s passport pages, which were photographed.”

“David Morales also indicated that the aim was that the surveillance, control of information and recordings should focus on the meetings of the asylee, especially those in which he was meeting with his lawyers, who were priority targets, so the security personnel that were physically deployed in the embassy were specifically asked to monitor these meetings of Assange with his lawyers, as this was required by our “US friends”. Morales always ended these instructions commenting that he was the only one who had full knowledge of the contract and who knew the measures that were necessary to take in order to fulfil it.”


W-2 also spoke about the possibility of kidnapping or poisoning Assange -- at the behest of their “American friends.” “I recall that on one occasion, in Jerez de la Frontera, at the UC Global headquarters, around December 2017, David said that the Americans were desperate and that they had even suggested that more extreme measures should be employed against the “guest” to put an end to the situation of Assange’s permanence in the embassy. Specifically, the suggestion that the door of the embassy could be left open, which would allow the argument that this had been an accidental mistake, which would allow persons to enter from outside the embassy and kidnap the asylee; even the possibility of poisoning Mr. Assange was discussed, all of these suggestions Morales said were under consideration during his dealing with his contacts in the United States. Obviously, we employees were shocked at these suggestions and commented amongst ourselves that the course that Morales had embarked on was beginning to become dangerous.”


The curious thing about all of this is the involvement of Sheldon Adelson. I must be important, otherwise both witnesses wouldn’t have spoken about it. Who was he working on behalf of, the Trump administration, the CIA, or someone else? And why go to such lengths to silence Assange? Clearly he has information that supersedes the DNC hacks/Russia collusion narrative. As I began digging I found ties between Adelson and the “Mega-group,” a group of Zionist Jewish billionaires. Adelson is an avowed Zionist, as is Leslie Wexner, Jeffery Epstein’s mentor. So too are the Kushners, Trump’s in-laws. What I found is huge (the subject of my next article). It involves  Adelson, Epstein, the Maxwells, Wexner, the Bronfmans, and others.

It looks as though Assange may be the key to more than just the DNC hacks. The Mega-group looks to be the link that will explain why the Trump DOJ is dead set on either killing Assange or sending him to prison for the rest of his life. It’s the only thing that explains the involvement of Adelson.


During the extradition trial this evidence was presented and it demonstrates quite clearly that this complete surveillance operation by UC Global violated attorney client privilege and any possibility of a fair trial. Of course, there are innumerable violations of his rights but if there was any justice this should result in the case being tossed out of court.
Furthermore, the connection with UC Global and Sheldon Adelson shows us why Trump refuses to pardon Assange and now pretends he doesn't know anything about Wikileaks. Special interest always wins.

Sheldon Adelson is the key. He belongs to the "Mega-Group" of Zionist Jewish businessmen that goes back to Meyer Lansky. It's likely that Assange has information about them. They work with the CIA, MI-6 and Mossad. This is about Epstein, Maxwell, sex-trafficking, pedogate... the subject of the article I'm working on now.

Wanting to thank you for your dedication & willingness to share the truth with others!
Yo rock & I appreciated the read!! 🙌🏼

Thank you very much... the next one should be even better.


Holding out hope that the Assange situation gets cleared up soon. Now that the 33K emails ave been declassed and some memos have been brought to light, this October Surpise will be biblical.

Screenshot 2020-09-14 at 8.59.09 AM.png

Hopefully the declass will bring down the Clintons and DNC, but I think it's a different group going after Assange. The next installment should be done tomorrow or Monday. This is going to be a real deep dive!