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RE: Covid1984 Vaccine Information War: ‘The Battle Lines are Forming’ & Popular Resistance is Winning, Establishment Desperation Reveals

in Deep Dives4 years ago

It's impossible for the social engineers to argue against : MY BODY MY CHOICE.

specially in the context where they want to own OUR bodies to KILL US.

As such we are faced with the simple choice of Flee or Fight (kill them).

a binary event.

as such they will certainly back down and keep doing their stealth genocide (pesticides, toxins in food, fake foods, etc) which leads to the same result... just their egos are wounded.


As such we are faced with the simple choice of Flee or Fight (kill them).

Absolutely 100% this. Either things accelerate to a state of fighting to stay alive or we continue this lazy global slide into lethargy in the face of COVID crimes.