wealth generates more education, rather than education generating more wealth

in Deep Diveslast year (edited)


small sketch made by me related to the subject we are going to talk about today.

The myth that education solves everything is prevalent in society. However, i want to disprove this idea, especially when it comes to socio-economic differences and financial success.

The popular myth that education is the sole solution to all problems is a misleading notion, particularly when it comes to socio-economic differences and financial success. The reality is that wealth generates more education, rather than education generating more wealth. It has been observed that a child's academic success is largely dependent on their family's average income. No matter how good the school or educational method is, if there is financial instability outside of school, the child's chances of success are significantly reduced.

But what i mean by that?
it becomes even more challenging when they face financial instability outside of school. Sadly, many children have to deal with the burden of moving houses frequently, waking up early, and lack of attention from their parents. Moreover, some live in risky areas, making them prone to assault and other dangers. To add to their struggles, some families cannot afford necessary school supplies, leaving the child unprepared for classes. After a long day at school, they may have to spend their afternoons helping their parents at home instead of focusing on their studies.

All this affects the ability to develop educationally, it is not that very good education generates a lot of wealth, but having wealth and having a good family income, create the right situations for people to take advantage of education.

We have this very silly idea of saying, let's improve education, let's improve understanding, let's improve teachers, let's improve books, let's make better public schools, when in reality all of that is useless.
Because basically what is happening is that the context outside the school is still so bad and so bad that it makes it impossible for children to be educated in the right way.

What happens when these people graduate?

only 26% of jobs in the modern world require a college degree, 1 in 4 jobs require a college degree, so the promise was, "if you keep getting educated, if you keep getting college degrees and a masters and a doctorate, you will have better salaries", and although on average it is real, the reading is backwards, what would happen if 7 billion people had doctorates?
if the whole planet earth had a doctorate?
and had to be paid proportional to how doctorates work?

how much are you going to pay them?
The problem is that there is an abysmal difference between the capacity of the educational people, between their educational training, their academic degree, their school level and the salary they receive.

From 1970 until today the % of high school graduates, in the 70's was 25% of the population in the United States and developed countries, today it is 90%.
The number of people in the country with a high school degree has increased from 25% to 90% and, worst of all, the average purchasing power of the U.S. middle class has remained the same.

However, it is disappointing to note that despite this significant progress, the purchasing power of the U.S. middle class has not improved over the years. As a result, parents are struggling to provide their children with quality education and secure their future.

but what's wrong? why don't people take advantage of education?
Let's assume that knowledge does not make you rich, but the fact that you become smarter, wiser, more able to read the world, you should be able to make better financial decisions and see what business to get into and how to invest your time,right? well no.

BUT Why is that?

Poverty can have a profound impact on an individual's mindset, leading to the development of something called a scarcity mentality. This mentality is characterized by a belief that resources are limited and that one must always be in competition with others to obtain them.This mentality is like being taught to swim but then being thrown into the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no support or resources. The fear of drowning in this vast and unforgiving environment can paralyze even the strongest swimmer. Similarly, poverty can make people feel helpless and unable to escape their circumstances.

The scarcity mentality makes us make many sacrifices, to take short-term decisions... So when a person is in a system of scarcity, in a system of poverty, he has to choose to eat or pay the rent, or pay his debts or pay for school and that generates a wear and tear, as all the time you are making sacrifices, all the time you are making short-term decisions, and it is impossible to plan in long term.
.... evidently none of this benefits us... society... but I think it is more than evident who are lining their own pockets while slowly weakening an entire country

thanks for reading


i have a very strong conviction that an equitable system of community governance, used by the masses, could resolve the issue of scarcity of basic human needs.

There is a "blueprint" for such a system. Would you be open to examining it?

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