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RE: Respective lines do not match in viral picture

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

I would be happy to live where there aren't any cops.

Actually, I do. I live in an unincorporated village with no cops. There's county mounties, but this isn't their patrolling focus, and they take up to 45 minutes to get here from their offices.

Given that during these protests, we have seen proof of civilians successfully protecting property from rioters, while I am not familiar with police doing so, I don't think we do need police. Before 1900 there were far fewer police in America, and folks then generally handled their business.

I don't need a boss, overlords, or overseers. I do what they are supposed to just fine. As far as safety from attack, some while back I was threatened by a guy with a knife and I didn't have to so much as raise my hands, as my neighbors kid pulled his personal sidearm and insisted that the assailant drop the knife.

I didn't even call the police. Neither did anyone else.

Later, the guy wrote me a note of apology. I reckon he should have thanked me for not calling the police too, because as you know those interactions can go very wrong, and they never improve the circumstances of people taken into custody.

I reckon that interaction far better served the interests of everyone in my community than had police been involved, and no one more benefited from the lack of police than the assailant.

Cops are trouble, and the fewer of them there are the better. Communities can maintain law and order with better results when they're absent, to the great improvement of the communities.

Edit: all examples of 'war zones' and etc., including the current protests which you have posted images of uniformed police setting out bricks for 'protestors' to throw at them yourself, are caused by armed government agents claimed to be preventing war and violence.

We are far better off without their 'protection'.


Good point. I am of the opinion that everyone should be armed and have firearm training - i used to shoot alot, things like that. Hard in new zealand to get a firearm now though, need to get pretty much a police interview - so most people dont have any means of protection but police, not against harden crimnals - i think in the united states, or likewise place, if you live in the county and everyone can protect yourself, yeah, dont really need police at all. People can look after themselves for the most part. But in the mouse untpoian cities lik NYC, might be hard - or places where its harder to get a fire arm. But yeah, you raise a good point! You are lucky to live in such a community - that is kind of my dream. I never heard that term unincorporated village had to look it up. But yeah, that sounds great. I was looking at moving to a remote place in new zealand - but still working on that plan. Thanks!