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RE: Yodawg - I heard you like competitions

Ummmmmm. probably not happening for me. I've never, ever used photoshop or anything even remotely like it. Sad, huh?

I've owned a couple sites that had need and I shopped it whenever I needed one. There are only about a zillion people that will do that sort of work for cheap. So I never learned the skill.

Design work, too. I had a partner (I'd guess we are still partners but we don't own anything jointly right now). We had an 'in house' designer (that has since passed) that actually had a degree from U Illinois. Cheap and terrific. I once commissioned a website overhaul with the instructions "I want boy colors not girl colors". Turned out great.

When I needed a book cover some guy bid it for $100. It was amazing. Why would I learn that stuff?

Much as I like the principals I won't be a player...


You learn that stuff so you can be a player!

Well. There is that, isn't there?

At my age with that pair? I'd have to ask if one can cook and one can clean 😂


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Oh yeah, some real Next Generation skill sets :D

Yep, it isn't too expensive to get work done and I wouldn't do any of this if it was for work, but I do enjoy the playing around with various things. Perhaps this might be a fun way to post on a Saturday :) I would like to draw more also, but I don't really find the time to sit down for long enough.

I once commissioned a website overhaul with the instructions "I want boy colors not girl colors". Turned out great.

I am guessing rather than a rose pink, it was more of a dusty mauve? ;D

Ahahahahaha. Yeah, that's it exactly. Dusty Mauve.


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