How the World Works: Because Most of Us Don't Know Shit About It


Life on earth is hard.
It is one of the hardest planets to live on in this galaxy.
It is also the planet with the most free will.

We have, actually, given up a lot of free will recently when we decided to be good. To follow that path of good, and not evil. In doing so, we have given up a huge amount of free will.

"Whatcha talkin about Willis?", cause i can clearly see bad guys doing bad things. In fact, evil things.

Well, if we had not chosen good, we would not be seeing it now.
The forces of the planet have shifted.
It is like someone lit a candle. But, in a pitch black environment, that is a lot of light.
And more people are lighting candles.

So, we are now seeing all the evil that has been playing out right before us, but we could never see.

It is not just individuals turning on their lights, it is the world is moving to bring spot lights onto sources of evil. There is now, no choice of doing evil things in dark corners. There is only the option of doing evil things in the middle of a spot light circle.

This is what has changed.

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We are spiritual beings having a physical experience

Most of our religions, and all of our modern materialistic science comes from a point of view that we are physical beings, maybe even meat robots. That this world is all cause and effect. If we could just measure every force accurately enough, we would know the future.

However, the truth is, we are spiritual beings, and from that side, we are playing an immersive video game. From this side, we are engaged in a very real, very important, life experience. Yes, reality might be a simulation, however the pain is real. The life lessons are real. The choices are what is really important. And, because of that, we can't just reset and start over. This may be a game, but there are no save points, and the stakes are real.

The analogy of this life being a game is not very useful. It only really applies to your being outside of this universe, outside of this galaxy, outside of this earth system, outside of this wheel of time. From that point, it is just a game, but it is not from any of the multiple levels of views from the inside.

So, what is left to us in integrating the knowledge that we are spiritual beings, and we are all one, however, we must also know that we are separate and physical.

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The base layer of our universe is the Causal Plane

The Causal Plane is the first layer of our universe.
It is where free will acts.

People who "see" this layer describe it as very iconic. There are trees, like icons of trees. People, like icons of people.

In this layer, like things attract each other. Your vibration is matched with other things of similar vibration, and that becomes the basis of your life.

This is why the "Law of Attraction" is a law.
Our problem is understanding this plane. Because, we think it is just thinking, and we should change that and we will all be rich.

But really, we have to become a vibrational match to what we want. We must embody the change we want to see. And we have to do that BEFORE we get it. Usually before we even are able to see that we are having an effect. Most give up before anything really changes. And many do not realize how much their life is interconnected, so a "small" change here, means moving everything in their entire life.

However, if we want to understand what is happening in our life, we must understand this plane

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There is so much that creates our life, that we never see

I am not just speaking of those invisible forces, luck, fate, destiny.

I am also speaking about fairies, and the fey. Angels and demons. Aliens and ghosts.

The fey live in our world, and for the most part, where we have a tree, they have a tree. Where we build a village, they also have a village. We share this world with them, and so much of what we do impacts them and visca versa. And most people don't even know that they are there, or believe they exist.

The same with angels and demons. Although they are more believed in, they are also believed to be other dimensional, not really here.

We are unaware of so many other entities that are in the same space as us. Some know about us, and other's do not. We each have three angels that help us live this life. Imagine that, in a crowded room, there are 3x as many angels, at least.

Things are a lot more busy, interconnected and interrelated that most can ever imagine.

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If you add all these pieces together, you will see why getting rid of evil has just manifested a spot light. And not something that makes all the evil, and the evil doers go poof.

It will be a change where every person will have to change themselves to be a person that doesn't support evil.

Can you imagine giving up the telling of lies? Even little white lies. And eventually making sure to not mislead people with partial truths, or forgetting to mention a piece. This is a part of getting rid of evil.

We have to vibrationaly become a match to good. Every one of us.

In the future, living in good alignment will allow you to live longer with little or no disease. While harboring evil, or even ill intent will cause your life to be shortened and invite much disease into your life. (this is just a change in the magnetic vibration of the planet. And is what i mean when i say that we have chosen good. Now, that choice changes the frequencies this world will support, and that effects how healthy you and your body are.)

We are now living through the time where we must clean up all the evil that we have allowed into our lives.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.