Physics & Metaphysics
Scientists decided to split the world into two.
The realm of the knowable, physical, stuff.
And the realm of the unknowable, unprovable, invisible "things"
This is Modern Materialistic Science's first and biggest error.
God exists, and we are all part of that consciousness. Pieces of that consciousness that is experimenting with a "physical reality".
So, you can say that the there is no line between physics and metaphysics, it is a continual line, a gradation for physical/solid to aetheric/incorporeal.
Of course, Modern Materialistic Scientists disavow the existence of God. Which probably might not be an error, but a hatred for the concept that there could be anyone above them. That there could be a creator, puts the "lower" (God does not think this way).

Narcissists and Science
I have written many times of how the "elite" will break their children's minds to turn them into psychopaths like them.
This separates them from their warm empathy, and so they can make cold, calculated decisions where they have no compunction about hurting others for profit. This also separates them from ever getting the feeling of "we are all one" (something many people who smoke cannabis encounter, or spiritualists discover in meditation). This separates them from ever feeling that connection with God.
Another thing that happens to a narcissist, probably the core thing, is that their 'self' stops growing where the fracture occurred. So, in other words, they are 5 year olds in adult bodies. They have the morals of a 5 year old; me, mine. And they literally think of themselves as god. Their ego must maintain that they are perfect. And, in so being, everyone else is beneath them.
And thus, any ideas that God exists is a threat to their lives.
If you go back through time, all the "great" scientists were all from the club that is the "elite" today.
Every one of them.
And every one of them pushed forward an idea that the universe is a bunch of bouncing balls that randomly formed life.
Look at the lives of Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Darwin (although you may say that the elite took the 'evolution' part of his books and pushed it to a place that Darwin never proposed)… you will find them all pushing for a universe where God doesn't exist.
And then, the "elite" used their influence to make this the doctrine taught in schools.
They have done their best to write God out of science, and then out of schools.
Their can be no God above the psychopath.
(this does and does not mean a God exists, it means the concept is verboten in the circle of the "elite")

Intelligent Design
Here is a concept that is going around the science thinking people right now.
Things like, an eyeball is sooo complicated, that its creation by accident gets preposterously high odds. So, the eyeball "could" have come together by accident. It is a possibility, however, that is only one organ in a body, and all the other organs are just as complicated. The connection of the organs is even more complicated. The Vagus Nervous System is even MORE complicated.
So, idea that it was all random becomes a statistic so large, that the number of atoms in the universe is smaller. Thus, people (can't really call them scientists, because "modern materialistic scientists" have to be atheists) are contemplating, how does such structures exist? And how do so many structures exist at once. And looking at all of life, so many structures are similar, but not the same. One explanation of this is "intelligent design".
However, what is behind intelligent design is not set. The Christians have locked onto this and said the designer is God the creator. And the modern science ivory towers are firmly set against this, and so deny the entire idea. Other explanations could be that there is a structure placed into our universe. Structure that causes planets to exist just so. Structures that create DNA and life. And so, of course life would exist, and complicated life at that. Because things are just falling into place because there is a galactic blue-print that causes it to be so.
We are having a war in the "sciences" due to this very simple concept.
(BTW, the time it would take humans to evolve from random mutations was computed… and it would take longer than the universe has been in existence)

The Chakras and the Aura
Here is one of those areas that is really a sore spot with me.
Modern doctors, who are legally the only people that can call themselves "healers", firmly do not believe in the hocus-pocus of chakras not auras. To them there is only the physical body. They have only begrudgingly admitted that emotions have an impact.
Here we see a "if i can't see it and touch it, it doesn't exist" pattern playing out. Which is a lesser form of "There is no God".
Mystics, shaman, spiritualists… have all experienced that there is more than just the physical. And the layers of the body are well known. We tend to use the ancient Chinese structures, but they are not the only ones, and they all talk, pretty much, about the same thing.
If there are so many people agreeing, some who can actually see, and they all describe the same thing, why is "modern doctors" denying its existence?
Modern Allopathic Medicine (using drugs) was started by Rock-e-fellows. Their father sold snake-oil. The grandsons financed the schools of medicine, driving out the other methods of healing. You can thank them for modern predicament that everything is cured with a pill mentality of doctors.
The very premise of modern allopathic medicine is about to be destroyed.
What used to be the realm of certain healers, mystics, shaman who could see auras, will now be coming out into medicine with cameras that can see, and image the auras.
Basically, like so many other times, the invisible is made visible.
We used to believe that little creatures could affect the body, and many disbelieved that because they couldn't be seen, until microscopes allowed us to see microbes.
Same with the radio spectrums. Electricity. Even atoms. All used to be in the realm of the "imaginary", and are all clearly measured/measurable now.
And so soon will be the auras and chakras of the body.
No longer will medicine constrain itself to 1/7 th of the human body.
But, as soon as we go there, the line of where physics and metaphysics meet is seriously moved, or may even be obliterated.

An evil group of people have tried to keep us blind to the wonder that is human life.
They have been poisoning us. In our food, in our water, in our air, and in our minds.
We must take back our lives and our minds.
We must actually become scientists and see/experience/study what is out there. For real.
Not with the stupid notion of "seeing is believing". We know that more than half of the real world is invisible to us.
So many scientists have said that they have seen the glory of God when they look at the universe.
Only those who put false prisons around their minds would miss this.
The future is amazing. And science will explore areas that we have walled off.
This will be the beginning of science.

God ? Which one then 🤔🗿
Ummm, that is why i put this one in EcoTrain, and i described the God i was talking about to them, in their language.
Since you missed it, let me fumble around a lot…
Take Hinduism/Buddhism: They have lots of gods, Shiva, Ganesh, Vishnu, Lakshmi,… but none of these are God. These gods are all part of this world. There is the God who is outside this world. The creator, The most high of highs, The one who cannot be named, God/Goddess/All That Is.
It is God, the Creator of which i speak.
The big problem is the Christian Bible. Where they took all these different entities, with different names, and called them God.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. - This line talks about God, the Creator.
This is the first creation story.
Then there is another group that "creates" the planet Earth.
Then there is the Elohim (a group of El) who make havoc on earth. Demanding sacrifices and such.
We are really going to have to clean this shit up.
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Nice article 👍 I appreciate the effort you have taken to put this together.
Thank you. I have been practicing hard to make these short enough to read and coherent enough to understand.