An Update At Last! Earthships, Life, and.. Whats next!

in ecoTrain10 months ago (edited)


Greetings, and i hope you are all doing well.. in this mad tapestry of life.. haha.. dont worry im not using AI.. i just learned to like the word tapestry now.. this is for sure a bona fida, real and long overdue, update!!!

Somewhere around this time last year, i was about to launch what i can only call the most exciting project relating to Earthships that i have ever embarked on.. For so many reasons, and one big one was the location which is in Koh Phangan in Thailand.. Ive been here on and off for a year now, and you know what folks?.. as always, its nothing like you would expect if you watched the news or even the social streams.. (is there even a difference anymore)?...

THe whole of last year was something of a whirlwind of increasingly interesting and also crazy events! Its hard to exactly put my finger on it, other than to say.. sometimes we think we are in a place to do one thing, when really we are doing something entirely different, that its usually inner work.. and i think its fair to say that ive done more inner work , and also had more breakthroughs, in the last year than i can really fathom. and it hasnt all be pretty!

Surrender. sometimes thats all we can do, else we would go insane@

There is too much to this story to really go into the details. so id like to share the most relevant parts! SO where was I.. ahh yes, June 2023 I had managed to secure a long term business visa and work permit in Thailand.. that marked the first time in 20 years that I had some kind security for my location and stay, as i had been in india for 20 years prior to that renewing yearly, with much angst!

Things were looking good really.. i had a growing community of people (who i had never met) all on my Facebook group, and had just about managed to pull off a screening of the infamous movie Garbage Warrior.. This wall all leading up to a month long free workshop for all, and finally even a full earthship build.. when all of a sudden the plug got pulled... in more ways than one!

The most serious of the things that went wrong was one of those rare but completely unforgettable moments when you realize you entire life has just fallen apart.. just like that! From one moment, when everything is fine, more or less, to suddenly being absolutely fucked, and.. in my case.. facing losing everything I had, including my possessions for a fifth or is it sixth time in four years..

What happened was very simple.. My agent was supposed to be handling the renewal of my business visa.. new visas need renewing after three months and then extending, and all kinds of things.. It had taken around 30% of my remaining savings to get this business and visa going too.. So a friend was visiting and she got me thinking that i had better check my visa, as the agents are not always reliable here! THen it dawned on me, just as i grabbed my passport, i started to get this nervous feeling, i could feel it coming.. and i checked my visa stamp, and holy shit.. my visa had expired 6 weeks prior!

With ALL the other dramas and experiences, I had totally forgotten to chase my agent or even check my visa stamp! wOw, was I in trouble!

Those were very scary times for me. My greatest fear was losing my visa because I had nowhere else I could really live. India was too hard, especially these days with the visa story, and I simply could not cope with living in Europe after so long out of the matrix.
BUT, Thailand did hold my hand, and SOMEHOW, really by the grace of many angels and synchronicities, I made it through. Despite a heavy fine, the Thai immigration not only let me out but let me leave with grace and in peace. With such respect, they let me go, despite being massively over my limit. THEN was the really hard part. I HAD to come right back in the next day on a Tourist visa. The plan was not clear, but I had a home and two dogs I was responsible for and nowhere else to go!

Coming back was definitely touch and go. The immigration officer looked very surprised to see my record and was not comfortable letting me back in! He had some questions and words, and then he finally did agree to let me in but warned me that may be the last time like this!

Within two months, I had secured a Retirement Visa instead, and that ended a very big change in the way I would proceed with my plans to make an Earthship in Koh Phangan! And I might say, not just any Earthship but a brand new design that I have been working on that I think will work very well and cost 1/10th the price of the normal global model that you can do.

So after all of that drama, I returned home to Earthship Karuna on an Indian Tourist visa (shock horror!), but it was perfect, and I spent three months in my beloved safe earthship home, all alone and focused, healed, and worked! Boy, did I also work hard, learning how to make mobile apps and take my AI work to another level, but that's another story...

I was unsure, to be honest, if I would return to Koh Phangan or even Thailand. It took some time for me to unwind from the whole saga of 7 months in Thailand and to integrate the VERY many events that happened. ON every level, I was tested, broken, and repaired, but as always, I'm a work in progress. But finally, after some time, I realized that it was time to head back and see how round 2 would go!

I have been back in Thailand for around 4 months now, and things are going much more smoothly than before. No dramas, and I'm much more grounded and settled than I was last time.

SO, here's the interesting news. I DO have land here that a lovely Belgium couple have offered for me to do this work on, and I DO have plans to build something very special. It is completely non-commercial, and, as always, I don't get to own the earthship, but I will live in it for at least one or two years and get the chance to demonstrate it as a fully functional autonomous home that performs like nothing else, costs peanuts to build, looks beautiful, has almost zero utility bills, needs nothing more than a few silent fans to move the air, and produces an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables year-round, forever!

That's what I want to demonstrate. That's what I'm ready to do. That's what I'm SO confident about doing, despite most people around here really not getting it or imagining that you can have SUCH comfort and performance IF you just take the right approach. IF you saw what people were building here EN MASSE, you would be amazed. The worst crap imaginable, no one cares! But they need help; the resources are depleting fast, water is scarce because no one knows how to catch and use the rain.

So that's where I'm at today, really, at least in terms of Earthship! I have, as I mentioned, also been TOO busy learning how to make mobile apps, and I have FINALLY made my first app, called the "Flower Of Life Quantum Oracle." But I'll save that story for another post. If you have an iPhone, you can check it out on the App Store. Android, I hope, maybe coming soon, but Google thought it would be a good idea to require personal developers to test every app for four weeks with 20 people!!! OMG, that's impossible. So I may just sell the APK privately. Let's see!

Anyways.. hope ur all surviving the quantum shift!
Heres a few of my favourite sunset pics from my local beach.. ull be pleased to hear, NO photoshop, NO AI.. they really do look that good :) This and pizza is what keeps me going folks!






Earthship Karuna Self Build No Experience! Start To Finish Show


is nothing more
than child's play

It sounds like all good things after all.

is nothing more
than redirection

what a lovely structure.

Wow mate what a story! I'm also superbly impressed with the Karuna earthship. Such magic!

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