ecoTrain Question Of The Week #28 TIE UP POST: Which of our emotions are most powerful?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Hola, hey, olá, namaste, guten tag, vaṇakkam, ciao, sà-wàt-dii, shalom and hello everyone! I hope you are all well and, if you follow bitcoin.,.. CONGRATULATIONS! This week is a huge huge milestone for bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a whole as BTC smashes through that elusive $20,000 mark. IT has been a long wait, and to those who understand the charts, things are looking very good indeed! Blockchain is here to save us, and this landmark breakthrough is the final confirmation that Bitcoin is alive and well and has a long way to go yet!

All of this is also great news for Hive and blockchain in general, and especially in these times of rampant and even unethical censorship by the ALL the mainstream social media. As bitcoin is setting the new benchmark for currency, so is Hive setting a new benchmark for social networking. Free speech has been eroded, even in public and we need these very important safe spaces to be able to express ourselves! So than you to Hive, and to all of you who are here because I believe that together we are right now sewing the seeds for an extremely abundant future.

SO! Thank you to everyone who took part this week and answered our question about emotions. The response was spectacular, as always, the quality and quantity of these posts is really amazing to see. If you enjoying writing for this QOTW, then definitaly have a look at some of these posts below.. there are quite a few gems in there!

And Finally, a very big thank you to @acidyo and the @ocd Community Incubation Project. Also a big thank you to all the curators who are keep the ecoTrain community posts so well rewarded with some incredible up votes. In particular, well done @anggreklestari for getting $42 up votes for your amazing recipe. I think i would consider paying $42 just to try that dish :-)



Humans are very expressive and this is because of a diverse distinctiveness that's specifically imbued into everyone. Ours ability to express comes from the dominion which is expressed by our mind. Our mind is the epicenter of our being and what makes us separate from other beings. The fact that we can place a sense of right or wrong with the dispositions of our emotions is why we're often very unique and our emotions are the representations of our personalities and everything that we totally embody. Our emotions varies as a result of the reactions of the experience that we go through in life. Sometimes our emotions becomes a counter measure through which we cope with unbearable circumstances in our lives and some emotions are how we express beautiful experiences.


This is another week with an interesting question from the @ecotrain community. I will try to answer it from my own personal beliefs and experiences, as always. I have to admit that I've started writing this post several times, erasing stuff and getting distracted by what I was trying to tell, so in the end, I know I have a lot to share but to keep the reader's attention, I have chosen a specific part to discuss. I'm very curious to see what others will share this week, it could be very interesting!

Emotions are powerful

This is something that I've realized more and more in the past years, and probably started when I was hurt so badly that the pain felt as if my heart was being ripped out over and over again every single time that I thought about what happened. I had to grief because everything I believed I had turned out to be a lie, and I had to say goodbye to the future I had envisioned. The love that I thought that I had received, turned out to be fake, so that was something to process as well. I remember that the thing that hurt the most probably was the fact that I had not seen this coming and fell into the trap. Oh well, you live and learn!


Where to start! When it comes to our emotions, they tend to hold a lot of power over us, because us humans feel so darn much. We have all got lost in our anger and grief, felt so low that we could never imagine ever coming back up again and indeed we have had to hit rock bottom just so we could.

Both of these emotions can be crippling and they can ruin our lives, if we are unable to overcome them. I was quite sick in the summer, exhausted both physically and mentally. I hit a brick wall and my body had enough of me just pushing on through.

When I went to see a healer, he told me that all my symptoms stemmed from all the anger, grief and resentment that I was holding inside, emotions that I had not dealt with. That I had not fully expressed.


From the heart, more than from the brain is to speak from the center of our spirit and not from the mind, expert makeup artist of what happens and what you feel. The spirit undresses the emotions, the mind masks them. But, we cannot leave aside that we are integral beings and we constitute a braid that links the intellectual with the emotional.
But, in the same way, it is a beautiful task that @ecotrain entrusts to us when proposing us to let the spirit flow over what moves it and makes it vibrate, taking into consideration its incidence on the body.
In this sense, @ecotrain presents us as a mouth opener on this gear body, mind, spirit, and emotions a very interesting position in the present QOTW and moves us to develop the response so:


(English version below)

Saludos Hivers, leí esta pregunta de @Ecotrain y me llamó la atención inmediatamente porque recién estaba leyendo un artículo sobre las emociones y sus efectos sobre la salud, y como esto se asociaba al nivel energético de la persona.

Además, es un tema que me llama la atención porque hasta hace algunos años atrás no me consideraba una persona “emocional” porque desde muy niña aprendí a ocultar o disfrazar las emociones. Muchos años después caí en cuenta que evadirlas u ocultarlas no impedía que experimentara realmente ese mar de emociones que todos los seres humanos vivimos a diario.


Greetings Hivers, I read this question from @Ecotrain and it caught my attention immediately because I was just reading an article about emotions and their effects on health, and how this was associated with the person's energy level.

Also, it is a topic that caught my attention because until a few years ago I did not consider myself an "emotional" person because from a very young age I learned to hide or disguise my emotions. Many years later I realized that evading or hiding them did not prevent me from really experiencing that sea of emotions that all human beings experience on a daily basis.


Fear is a kind of emotion that alerts all living creatures in danger and which in turn allows them to take the necessary measures to protect themselves against potential threats.

From a very young age, the emotion of fear worked in me at night. I could not go out alone at night. I couldn't even go from my house to the house next to ours at night.In fact, my fears worked at night. As soon as I went out at night, I thought that a ghost would come and catch me or a thief or a robber would come and catch me.

Moreover, when I see a quarrel, there is a emotion of fear in me.Besides, even after seeing something in the daytime, suddenly surprised, emotion of fear is created.


While pondering the question of the week here on #ecoTrain my first thought was "Love". Yes, love. It's such a powerful emotion that it can guide you through every part of your life. Being in love with another human being can be exhilarating and exciting .
It gives you the feeling of being accepted, builds your confidence, allows you to feel free, happy and content.

There are so many ways love can be expressed. For most of us, feeling loved begins at birth. Our parents feel love for us from the start. As we grow up, we become more aware of the love that is shared in our families. It is expressed through laughter, joy, accomplishments, trust, compassion, the comfort of belonging.


Much has been said about emotions, one of them, very interesting by the way, is that emotions have been grouped under a psycho-pedagogical perspective: positive (like love), negative (fear), ambiguous (Compassion), social (envy) and aesthetic (Vanity).

In this opportunity the EcoTrain Community, invites us to participate in the survey of "What is the most powerful emotion".

Our mind is capable of playing with the best and the worst scenarios of life, many years ago, I did not understand how it happened, everything I desired with all my strength, I obtained it in one way or another, my grandmother said that they were Divine designs, that if it was for me, it was because God had arranged it that way; certainly, the belief in God is important, our emotions go beyond the human.


Mucho se ha hablado de las emociones, una de ellas, muy
interesante por cierto, es que las emociones han sido agrupadas bajo una perspectiva psicopedagógica: positivas (como el amor), negativas (miedo), ambiguas (Compasión) , sociales (envidia) y estéticas (Vanidad).

En esta oportunidad la Comunidad de EcoTrain, nos invita a participar en la encuesta de "Cual es la emoción mas poderosa".

Nuestra mente es capaz de jugar con los mejores y los peores escenarios de vida, hace muchos años, no entendía como sucedía, todo lo que deseaba con todas mis fuerzas, lo obtenía de una u otra manera, mi abuela decía que eran designios Divinos, que si era para mi, era porque Dios así lo había dispuesto; ciertamente, la creencia en Dios es importante, nuestras emociones van más allá de lo humano.


Hello Hivers!!

Feeling is part of living, emotions are a whole, he who does not feel does not live

If this question would have been asked a couple of years ago I would have answered Love without hesitation, strength and impulse without limits. The cause and reason for our existence, however, at present I must differ.

I will summarize the emotions I consider to be the strongest in order of impact > from my perspective.


The human being experiences various emotions throughout the day every day of his life, that is inevitable, if we see a child and his behavior we can observe that he openly manifests his emotions without any mask or strange pretensions, sometimes we see how these children express jealousy when a new member of the family is born (not all), or during the expressions of love we manifest for other family members lead to a situation of jealousy, it is surprising, how these children being so innocent can experience powerfully negative emotions that transform their behaviors and trigger a sequel, which must be addressed quickly by an adult, and this adult tries to resolve the child's discomfort with another equally powerful emotion, love, and everything that involves love: understanding, tolerance; which makes us think that emotions do not work alone, so to speak, they are accompanied by emotions with the same frequency that are intrinsically related.

We contain within us what is necessary to experience any emotion, it is enough that the circumstance presents itself and the symptoms will be activated in a natural way, but not all emotions are healthy, some can lead to death, the fact is that if we allow these emotions to dominate us we are losing control of something that lives within us, that is part of oneself, we are not a sea without a wave, a song without a score, a cry without tears, we are the whole of everything, of all the emotions both positive and negative, they are part of us and it is part of life to learn to dominate, to channel the emotions, to direct them to a favorable point, where the weight of the adverse does not make my body, my mind or my spiritual part sick.


I think that there is no greater power than having the capacity for self-control, although it is no less true that there are emotions that go to extremes and often make us lose our strength, being defeated and coming to dominate our lives at specific times. Several of them hundred who are extreme, anger, joy and depression.

Anger is an emotion that I consider very negative for everyone, even so it is incredible that there are human beings that generally that is their normal condition every day, everything bothers them and they become a toxic person wherever they arrive. I know people like that and the strange thing is that they have a double personality, they are beings with a beautiful heart and they know how to love but they allow themselves to be dominated by this emotion.


Para mí todas las emociones son poderosas en conjunto con los sentimientos, a través de ellas nos relacionamos diariamente, posee un gran poder que causan efectos contundente en el ser humano. Creo que alegría, rabia, miedo y tristeza pertenecen al cuerpo y deben ser visibilizadas y aceptadas en conjunto como parte importante de nuestra SER, que requieren atención desde la edad temprana.

For me all emotions are powerful in conjunction with feelings, through them we relate daily, it has a great power that cause strong effects on the human being. I believe that happiness, anger, fear and sadnessbelong to the body and must be made visible and accepted together as an important part of our BEING, which require attention from the early age.


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Thank you so much for helping my recipe getting up on Hive. Awesome. That’s my biggest rewards on my recipe ever :)

Thank you very much @ecotrain, for the support they give us. It's motivating everything they do..! Thanks a lot..!! 🥰

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Thank you very much, @ecotrain. I am happy to be part of this great family.

Thank you @ecotrain , this is a wonderful community.
Congrats to all who participated.