The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Whirlwind To The Season End

in ecoTrain2 years ago


Flicker Haven Farm Files page divider.png

Even though we got a very late start to summer, I must say that it didn't seem to want to let go. That we are still enjoying warm days in the 70's in mid October is a rare thing indeed.


That said, it hasn't been all tea cozies and clever palindromes as we have been socked in with smoke for days thanks to wildfires in neighboring Washington. I must say, the sinus pressure and congestion detracts from pleasant abnormal fall weather enjoyment.


But, smoke or no smoke, fall chores wait for no congested hobbit, and we have been busy this week, because the weather is finally going to shift. That and it's time to get everything all put away on the homestead until next spring.


One big chore I got done today was to cut back the wild roses and giant hyssop bushes that line my sidewalk to the pizza oven. With the plethora of rain this spring, those shrubs were YUGE! So I slapped my rose gold cheapo headphones on this morning and sang Tears For Fears while I trimmed back the foliage.

After that job was complete, I raked up all my detritus and dumped it in one of my many compost piles. Then I moved on to the fun part of my fall farm clean up, using the ground driven picker-upper sweeper.


I have this little ground driven brush vacuum thing that hooks to the back of my riding lawnmower, and as the proud tree tender to a multitude of very old Ponderosa pines, let's just say that I am truly thankful to be in possession of such an apparatus, those pine trees puke the needles rather prolifically. If one could be wealthy in pine needles then I am definitely Musk or Bezos level rich in pine for sure.

Anyway, I spent about an hour and half driving around, sweeping up needles and leaves, and dumping them into piles that I will burn after the rains come. Some of them I will probably put on the blueberry plants for mulch I suppose.


After finishing yard sweeping, I walked around putting stuff away. Random rakes, hoes, and shovels needed placed in their proper receptacles, as I really don't want them hanging in the snow. The hubs and I put the irrigation away last week so that job is done, and yesterday we planted 400 row feet of garlic.


It's been nicely mulched to bed for the winter...


The only thing left with any color in it in the garden are some fading hollyhocks, calendula, and marigold. As soon as we have a bit of freezing weather I will go out and collect a bunch of seed pods off of those prolific little beauties.


But for now, as I am freshly showered and not at all covered in homestead filth, I'll probably go and mimic Rick by getting some grub. Thanks to all the farming and laboring this growing season, there's plenty of that laying around these parts.

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's smoke particulate covered and probably in need of a good wipe down iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


¡Hola @generikat! Felicitaciones por el trabajo realizado.

Buenos dias @tiaene! Muchas gracias!!😊


Gracias @generikat y @pizzabot por el detalle no me lo esperaba ¡Que sorpresa! 🤗


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That sweeper sounds just the thing! I wish I had one...