
These are looking good!!! Don't panic (you won't because you have done your research) but, you won't be seeing any huckleberries for 3 to five years from when you planted them.

But, they are looking mighty fine! I am looking forward to seeing how they fare in the sunshine! The video was awesome and the music wasn't bad. :)

Ah good, and yeah I am glad I researched them as I thought I did something wrong when planting them. But yeah looking forward to a few years from now. My understanding is if they are grown in more light they grow outwards more like a bush. But if you grow them in the shade they grow more like a tree.

Thanks for checking out my video, hehe yeah I am not so good with the music. I just try to pick something ambient that fits the cuts before I start talking :-P

I made a syrup with " sureau " it was amazing , i love picking little fruits in the forest 🙂

Oh I had to look up what sureau is, its Elderberries.

I recently took a look at those plants and may end up growing some. I do not think they grow wild in our forests near by but I can surely cultivate them.

Now I want to try some elderberry syrup.. hehe

It is a great one for health and taste , defenetly try it :)


lol that must be a read dead redemption meme, also didnt someone have that as their avatar on Hive? hmmm.. cant remember who.

 3 years ago  

The flower is looking very nice and have you been growing this flower for a long time or you just started?

Ah thanks, well theres actually no flowers in these photos but I started it about 2 years ago.

 3 years ago  

I meant plant not flower. My bad