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RE: Mejorar salud física y espiritual practicando Earthing 🦶 🪨 Improve physical and spiritual health by practicing Earthing

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Excellent article partner, it is amazing how our lifestyle does not allow us to connect with nature, we walk here and there and even lose the habit of walking barefoot, I remember that always as children we are told not to go barefoot and is so much insistence that we become adults with shoes practically fixed to our feet, from time to time I practice some yoga routines in the park and our instructor practically forces us to walk barefoot on the grass and hug trees and although at first I did not like it is an action that I would like to do more often, as you say it is not the same to be barefoot on grass than on a ceramic floor, but we must try and make an effort whenever there is an opportunity, greetings.


That's right dear friend, it's that we've gotten used to "protecting" our feet from some apparently dangerous surface from a very young age, this comes a lot from modernism, however we also have to know where we are standing and balance all that to our lifestyle ! Let it be a balance between the ground direct to the planet and what we as humans have developed for the majority of everyday life... Thank you very much for your comment. Infinite blessings to you!

I wish you an excellent and blessed week. 😉

Así es amiga, igual para tí que tengas una excelente y bendecida semana 😉