Practice smiling, even if you don't want to!

in ecoTrain3 years ago

A forceful smile doesn't sound fascinating, right? But sometimes you may not get any reason to smile, even if you do you may not find the right mood to smile. But that doesn't mean anyone has to live a smileless life. We can practice smiling!



Research says that a smile can improve our positive mood, even a forceful smile can do that. The facial expression needs to smile gives a strong positive message to our brain. That's the reason you see many practice smile yoga or smile during their workout.

A happy brain means a brighter perspective. But life will not always give us the right reason to smile. Especially in our busy lives, it's getting hard to smile spontaneously. If you live alone, if you don't get enough time to be with your friends and family or the person you love; you will notice how rarely you smile. But don't let anything stop you from improving your positivity through smiling.

We have to understand that we are not talking about practicing fack smiling. Rather we should make more reason on our own to smile. Let's see how we can start this practice!

Read something interesting, watch anything funny that goes with your interest, make your own jokes, and smile. You can think about something positive, imagine something good to smile on. Also, you can think about doing smile yoga or something similar to keep smiling.

Do this often and you will see it's not very hard to smile on. Just we need to remind ourselves to not live without smiling.

Smile is the easiest way possible to increase positivity, for us and others as well. So keep smiling!


Very correct. Someone once told me that those who smiles often have a tendency to live a longer life. I was told this because I smile very often even when I am alone.

When I am alone, I begin to think of moments in the pasts which I enjoyed. Those funny moments with long time friends and sometimes, I imagine things.

Nice article my friend. 👌

Awesome post. Smiling is an habit I cultivated due to my discomfort when talking to people, so I smile when I talk but now it has become a part of me and I do not have to force it anymore.