Humanity is What we Owe to Each Other

in Psychology8 months ago

The title references a book on moral philosophy written by T. M. Scanlon, this does not mean I'm necessarily saying something related to that book but my brain is fixated on the phrase while I write this. I fully blame binging all of "The Good Place" for putting this phrase in my brain.

I took and edited this photo myself

How do you define humanity? There are a lot of correct answers to this question. It can be used as a blanket term for all of the humans on Earth, or perhaps all of them that have ever existed. Sometimes it is used for how we treat each other; after all, there must be a reason humane is the word used for ethical treatment of living beings. I like to think that when someone sees someone struggling with homelessness, and instead of looking away they stop and give them a warm meal, or an extra blanket. My favorite version of humanity is when we help each other, whether with something big or small. Compassion is what gives me faith in the future of humanity.

It has been proven that people go out of their way to help each other during times of widespread crisis; people who have the least tend to share the most. Instant ramen was invented by Momofuku Ando in 1958 to help with major food shortages in Osaka following the aftermath of WW2. (Reputable Source:

Another concept I find important to mention around this is the biological human tendency to be social; Seeing someone you know smile releases dopamine (The neurotransmitter for joy) in your brain, which provides serious motivation to cause others to smile. There are theories about how we acquired this fundamental need to be social, but there is no reasonable way to deny it.

Our modern world has exponentially reduced the need for social interaction, mainly through technology and the desire for convenience. What happened to borrowing a cup of sugar? A quick trip to the convenience store can avoid all of the discomfort you might get from having to knock on your neighbor's door, but it also avoids letting them feel needed, or the joy you both might get from giving them a muffin the next day, from the batch you were able to make because of their help. It may seem silly but little things like this foster community.

My favorite quality of organized religion is the community aspect and its tendency to focus on helping those experiencing misfortune. There have been traditions for centuries of temples being a place to seek help. This is also why a lot of churches here in America have food bank programs. It is proven that there is a relationship between religious involvement and altruistic behavior. (

We all need help sometimes, and we all have the ability to give it sometimes. It is important to ask when you need help, it lets others know they can ask for it when they're in need too. Sometimes a smile and a kind word can make someone's day better, and a smile is as contagious as a yawn if you know how to share it. I challenge you to go out of your way to make someone smile at least once a week and see if you notice a difference in how you feel. Take a moment to tell someone that you appreciate their presence, get someone a small gift you know they would like, be more patient or forgiving than you normally would be, or do someone a favor. Be kind to each other in the name of humanity, and try to make the world a little bit nicer today. For some inspiration look here (

To make me smile, leave a comment telling everyone who reads this a story of a kindness you experienced recently. Stories like that make me a little bit less depressed about the bad things and I think they do the same for everyone else too.
My story today is about a friend of mine who would carry snacks in her bag, and somehow even though I wouldn't tell her about it, any time I was feeling hungry because I had forgotten to eat something, she somehow knew about it anyway and tossed a snack bar into my lap, and it always made me smile. She moved away months ago but I still smile when I think about it.


About a decade ago a friend who was just starting out on their business endeavors told me that if they were successful... and if they were ever in a position (in the future) to help me get my own land... that they would.

Long story short, I was talking to them recently and telling them about the current 20% APR for HBD stored in savings... and they reminded me of what they had told me all those years ago... then sent me the seed money to help me achieve getting my own land.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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