Women & Diversity #LOH184

in Ladies of Hive28 days ago (edited)

Women are one of the strongest creatures on the surface of the earth, talk about how they have so much wisdom, empathy and ability to multi-task and also bring forth life to the world.


A capable woman has the power to not just nurture but also build a home, which is why many people assign such a singular role to the feminine gender, "home-making or caregiving," in the past, many women were confined to their homes to give birth, Carter for their family and care for the home but today everything has changed.

In the past, fathers felt that having daughters was quite useless as they wouldn't carry on the name of the lineage, and they would be married to another man bearing his name and extending their husband's lineage, so because of this, the fathers hardly invest on their daughters academically, they were taught to be respectful, hardworking and also well-cultured to make a good wife and mother.

They also felt that women couldn't do so much like a man, in some cultures, women were not even given an inheritance because of this as they were outnumbered.

It is exciting to know that, today women now play significant roles in society and they dare achieve even more than what a man can do.

I have seen women who are politicians, lawyers, artists, professors, businesswomen, chaffers, plumbers, technicians, doctors, soldiers and the like and that has changed the perspective of a modern man.

Fathers today are so excited to have a girl child, that they go to any length to train them because they know that women are no longer confined to the house to be just a wife and mothers.

A woman now play major roles in society in different ways, so to answer this question;

2️⃣ Do you believe that women have a very clear role today in society? If so, what is that role?

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I think it would be wrong to limit a woman's role to just one aspect as today women have the right and freedom to chase their dreams and fit in the role or path they have chosen for themselves.

The world is evolving and it is also diverse so a woman's role is to, significantly state a particular role for a woman will limit her choice of being whoever she chooses to become in a diverse world.

But whatever role a woman chooses for herself career-wise, she should never do it at the detriment of her family (if unmarried) or marriage,(if married) she should ensure to care for her home like the capable woman recorded in Proverbs 31:10-31, she has the God-given responsibility to be a pillar and support system to her husband and children, an encourager, a teacher, a prayer warrior, and so much more, setting a balance between her career and her God-given responsibility makes her very precious before God and her loved ones.

A woman should endeavour to fuel her passion believing that she can be whomever she wants to be unapologetically, she should also contribute positively to society, be comfortable in her skin and wear EMPATHY & COMPASSION on her sleeve for women were created different, from the day a woman becomes a mother she knows what it means to be self-sacrificial as she keeps her life on hold for her newborn, women were also naturally created to be emotional which is why a sister can successfully nurture her siblings better than a brother in most cases, a woman despite being a career woman should never compromise her God-given a gift which is to love and nurture people around her.


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This is my response to the prompt by @trucklife-family for week #184

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Women are found in virtually all works of life, making both money and name for themselves.
Even in professions believed to be for men, women venture into it and excel.

So true, they are superheroes.

Times are changing and glad that society's beliefs about women have (and are changing) too. I agree with you, women are no longer confined in homes. Many are out there, making a difference in whatever field they choose to be in.


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Yes, and that's something to be proud and excited about. Thank you for stopping by.


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I love now much women have evolved. In comparison to the past, women these days are doing really well. They are bold enough to try out new things; things that may even seem impossible.


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Fathers today are so excited to have a girl child,

You can say that again, I know of a man that said instead of a boy child, he wants a girl child. Women are breaking that barrier

That's so amazing, thanks for coming around.

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Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much❤

Not very many people realize how Proverbs 31:10-31 set a high standard and multi-role of a godly women. Ester was a wise queen and Deborah was a military General are great examples of inspired women that took on their roles with God's calling.

You're so right, I hold that scripture so dear to my heart, a perfect standard of what a capable woman should be. Thank you for stopping by.