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RE: LOH138: An Abundance of Fathers

hmm I think burden is not actually the correct way to say it, because if a person decided to build his/her family, they must've thought the necessary things to handle. Most especially if they decided to have children. But yeah I understand that when children grow up it'll be hard for parents financially and I appreciate every parents in the world, but I think my dad never thought of us as a burden hehe, so yeah children should not be seen as "burden" for parents.


Children are never a burden, expense experienced finding sufficient finance was, both my parents worked which people frowned upon.

Growing up in the 1960's mothers were expected to stay home, fathers go out to bring in sufficient funding to run a home. After second world war many men were a lot older, battled finding employment coming into workforce later in life, I applaud them since they never complained.

Times have changed, many single parents know how difficult it is, often turning to parents to assist raising the young. Where I live many homes are children run no longer having parents/grandparents alive.

All Dad's who accomplish happy healthy families need a medal, life is an on-going balancing act.