✨ Ladies of Hive Contest #193: Home repair and improvement [ES/EN]

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago

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¡Hola queridas Damas de Hive! Espero que se encuentren todas muy bien. Hoy me pasó por acá para participar de la iniciativa de la semana con interrogantes muy prácticos hoy en día, ya que los roles han ido evolucionando y una dama puede hacer el trabajo pesado si se lo propone. Bueno, vamos a ello.

Me gustaría saber cómo has asumido y completado un proyecto de reparación o mejora en tu hogar del que te sientas orgullosa


Puedo decir que tengo la fortuna de haber crecido en un hogar donde mi padre siempre estuvo dispuesto a que yo aprendiera a valerme por mi misma en cuanto a reparaciones en el hogar. Con su ayuda y la de video tutoriales aprendí desde cosas básicas como cambiar un foco de la lámpara o poner una cerradura nueva, a revocar una pared y pintar.

No me considero una experta en ello, pero para salir del apuro sirve y a uno le hace sentir orgullo ver qué todo queda más lindo y presentable al menos. Soy fiel partidaria de que primero puedo intentar arreglarlo yo y si no hay resultado ahí si necesitaré de un profesional. Por supuesto que nunca me metería con cuestiones de electricidad avanzada o gas porque es algo más serio, pero si aprendí a averiguar si hay alguna fuga de gas con el truco de agua y jabón, si hace burbuja en el lugar donde se coloca significa que hay una pequeña fuga que necesita ser revisada.

Siempre me gustó ver a mi papá cuando hacía reparaciones y arreglos en la casa y fui aprendiendo de vista. Al crecer también le fui dando indicaciones y consejos a él de las cosas que veía en internet sobre como pintar una esquina o el techo sin manchar las otras paredes, ya que a él siempre le pasaba y el secreto era poner una cinta adhesiva alrededor para que no se manche la pared equivocada. Así le hemos buscado la solución a un montón de problemas en la casa.

Nunca hice un proyecto tan grande en sí salvo pintar las paredes, pero de todos modos estoy muy orgullosa por todo lo que sé que puedo lograr si me lo propongo. Creo tener las herramientas necesarias para no verme en un aprieto para el futuro en estas cuestiones del hogar.

Y, después de un buen trabajo, ¿qué harás para celebrar?


La respuesta es simple, como no soy una persona de celebrar a lo grande, me permitiré contemplar mi obra con admiración y orgullo y luego me sentaré a descansar sintiéndome muy bien conmigo misma y el trabajo realizado.

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Bueno amigos, esta es mi participación en el concurso de la semana. Espero que les haya gustado e invitó a todos los que me lean a participar también.
Gracias por llegar hasta acá.
¡Hasta la próxima!

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Hello dear Ladies of Hive! I hope you are all feeling well. Today I stopped by to participate in the initiative of the week with very practical questions today, as roles have evolved and a lady can do the heavy lifting if she puts her mind to it. Well, let's get to it.

I would like to know how you have taken on and accomplished a home repair or upgrade project that you are proud of


I can say that I am fortunate to have grown up in a home where my father was always willing to help me learn to fend for myself when it came to home repairs. With his help and video tutorials I learned from basic things like changing a light bulb or putting in a new lock, to plastering a wall and painting.

I don't consider myself an expert in it, but to get out of trouble it is useful and it makes you feel proud to see that everything is more beautiful and presentable at least. I am a firm believer that first I can try to fix it myself and if there is no result then I will need a professional. Of course I would never mess with advanced electrical or gas issues because it is something more serious, but I did learn to find out if there is a gas leak with the soap and water trick, if it bubbles where it is placed it means that there is a small leak that needs to be checked.

I always liked to watch my dad when he was doing repairs and repairs around the house and I was learning by sight. As I grew up I also gave him indications and tips from things I saw on the internet about how to paint a corner or the ceiling without staining the other walls, since it always happened to him and the secret was to put an adhesive tape around it so it wouldn't stain the wrong wall. That's how we found the solution to a lot of problems in the house.

I've never done such a big project per se except for painting the walls, but I'm still very proud of everything I know I can accomplish if I put my mind to it. I think I have the tools I need so that I won't be in a bind in the future in these household matters.

And, after a job well done, what will you do to celebrate?


The answer is simple, as I am not a person to celebrate in a big way, I will allow myself to contemplate my work with admiration and pride and then I will sit down to rest feeling very good about myself and the work I have done.

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Well friends, this is my participation in the contest of the week. I hope you liked it and I invite all those who read me to participate as well.
Thanks for making it this far.
See you next time!

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Thank you for the support ladies!

I spent a lot of time with my father, my mother being more the bread winner of the family, I learned a few things about fixing things but most of my experience was by necessity after buying my own home, since Tradesman are not always available and are expensive in my home budget. Do-It-Yourself, or by a professional, it is always and opportunity to learn how it is done, even if it is baby steps or head knowledge. You may just become a little more adventurous in the future @erigm 🛠


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@kerrislravenhill, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @erigm and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/30 calls)

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Without a doubt, necessity is a great driving force when it comes to experimenting and wanting to reduce costs. It's great that we can handle everything. I also hope to become more adventurous in the future! greetings.

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