[ENG] [ESP] Ladies of Hive #227: How I joined Hive | Como me uní a Hive❤️

Hey there, Hive!✨

¡Hola, Hive!✨

Para el post de hoy quiero unirme al nuevo concurso de la comunidad donde @saffisara propuso unas excelentes preguntas para recordar por qué soy parte de la blockchain y por qué lo disfruto tanto. Así que si quieres conocer mi experiencia, te invito a seguir leyendo...

For today's post I want to join the new community contest where @saffisara proposed some excellent questions to remind me why I'm part of the blockchain and why I enjoy it so much. So if you want to know about my experience, you can keep reading...

How i joined.gif


How did you hear about Hive blockchain and what made you join?

¿Cómo te enteraste sobre la blockchain de Hive y qué te hizo unirte?

Antes de mi primer post (muchos meses antes), mi amiga bonita @kiutvariedades me había hablado sobre su blog en el cual había estado trabajando desde ya hace tiempo. En su momento creo que no comprendí bien de qué se trataba y por ello no le di muchas vueltas al asunto. Después @omarqm también me habló de su blog y ambos se tomaron el tiempo de explicarme con lujo de detalles de qué se trataba la blockchain y cómo unirme. La verdad es que en aquel momento estaba pensando mucho en dos cosas: una forma de hacer ingresos y una manera de explotar mi creatividad. Por eso Hive era como lo mejor de ambos mundos porque no solo puedo crear contenido sino que también tengo una recompensa por ello.

Y más allá del ingreso, la razón por la que me he quedado es que puedo tener un espacio para mostrar las cosas que hago, hablar de los temas que me interesan y apasionan además de tener una comunidad donde todo eso es bien recibido. Por eso no lo dudé más y terminé creando mi cuenta en 2022 (cómo vuela el tiempo) y el 17 de diciembre de ese año hice mi primer post. Desde el inicio sabía que disfrutaría esto. Aunque ahora viendo mis primeros posts me da un poco de vergüenza por lo feos que eran estéticamente 😅 pero creo que he mejorado un poco.

Before my first post (many months before), my cute friend @kiutvariedades had told me about her blog that she had been working on for a while now. At the time, I think I didn't really understand what it was about and that's why I didn't think much about it. Later, @omarqm also told me about his blog and they both took the time to explain to me in great detail what blockchain was about and how to join. The truth is that at that time I was thinking a lot about two things: a way to make money and a way to exploit my creativity. That's why Hive was like the best of both worlds because I can not only create content but I also get a reward for it.

And beyond the income, the reason I've stayed is that I can have a space to show the things I do, talk about the topics that interest and excite me, as well as having a community where all of that is well received. That's why I didn't hesitate any longer and ended up creating my account in 2022 (how time flies!) and on December 17 of that year I made my first post. From the beginning I knew I would enjoy this. Although now looking back at my first posts I feel a little embarrassed because of how ugly they were aesthetically 😅 but I think I have improved a little.

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What is the best about Hive?

¿Qué es lo mejor de Hive?

Lo que más me gusta de la plataforma es precisamente lo que me motivó a unirme, y es el poder tener un espacio para hablar de las cosas que me gustan pero hacerlo con creatividad. El sentarme en la PC, diseñar las portadas, estructurar los posts y escribir son actividades que me mantienen ocupada que además me hacen sentir bien. Creo que todos sentimos satisfacción cuando podemos dedicar un espacio de tiempo a aquello que nos gusta, y hablar de mis hobbies, de las cosas que veo o leo, de lo que ocurre en mi vida o reflexiones sobre diversos temas definitivamente me hace sentir bien.

También es raro encontrar un espacio seguro donde puedas expresar tu opinión sin miedo, y probablemente es una de las cosas que mejor a conseguido la plataforma gracias a sus políticas y gestión de las mismas. Estar en internet es exponerse a cualquier cosa, pero en Hive siento que puedo dejar ver un poco de mi vida sin tener miedo. Es un espacio donde toda la comunidad se asegura de que sus miembros se sientan a gusto y eso en tiempos actuales es como encontrar un tesoro oculto.

What I like most about the platform is precisely what motivated me to join in, and it is being able to have a space to talk about the things I like but do it creatively. Sitting at the PC, designing the covers, structuring the posts and writing are activities that keep me busy and also make me feel good. I think we all feel satisfied when we can dedicate some time to what we like, and talking about my hobbies, the things I see or read, what happens in my life or reflections on various topics definitely makes me feel good.

It is also rare to find a safe space where you can express your opinion without fear, and it is probably one of the things that the platform has achieved best thanks to its policies and management of them. Being on the Internet is exposing yourself to basically anything out there, but on Hive I feel that I can show a little of my life without being afraid. It is a space where the entire community makes sure that its members feel comfortable and that in these times that is like finding a hidden treasure.


Así que Hive es una parte de mi vida que me encanta, donde me he sentido bien recibida y donde espero experimentar mucho más en la creación de contenido❤️

So Hive is a part of my life that I love, where I have felt welcomed and where I hope to experiment much more in content creation❤️


Thank you so much for reading my post! 🖤 Feel free to leave a comment

¡Muchas gracias por leer mi post! 🖤 Siéntete libre de dejar cualquier comentario


Mis redes sociales (My social media):



outro new (1).gif

📸 Cover and banners edited by me on Canva using its copyright-free elements. Pictures are mine and one of @kiutvariedades 📸

📸 Portada y banners editados por mí en Canva usando sus elementos libres de copyright. Las fotos son mías y una de @kiutvariedades 📸


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@mandysmoon, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting to Ladies of Hive.
We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Thank you so much for your support 🖤

What a heartfelt story! It’s amazing how Hive turned out to be the perfect blend of creativity and reward for you. From exploring hobbies to sharing personal reflections, it sounds like this platform has truly become your happy space. I love how you’ve embraced the process, from improving your posts to finding joy in designing and writing—it’s clear you pour your heart into it.

Feeling safe to express yourself is such a treasure in today’s online world, and it’s wonderful that Hive provides that for you. It’s inspiring how you’ve grown since your first post and found a community where your voice is valued. Here’s to more creativity, connection, and adventures on Hive, @mandysmoon! ❤️


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@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @mandysmoon and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (12/50 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Thank you so so much, @silversaver888 ❤️. I truly love being here, Hive is the perfect place for creativity, connection and to feel safe expressing all your thoughts.

This community is amazing, and I hope to get to be here for long time. As always, enjoying the ride.

Thank you so much for your support 🖤


View or trade LOH tokens.

@hive-124452, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @mandysmoon and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (10/50 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

En fin ahí dice que somos los mejores 😌🤭

Evidentemente ✨