Recordando a mi mascotas / Remembering my pets 🐢

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago


Hola amigas de la comunidad de ladies de hive! Me encuentro muy emocionada de poder compartir con ustedes la historia de la vida de las únicas dos mascotas que he tenido, a las cuales cuide y ame mucho.La lamentablemente no tengo fotos de tommy y rebeca .

Hello friends of the hive ladies community! I am very excited to be able to share with you the life story of the only two pets that I have had, whom I take care of and love very much.

¿Que historia divertida o linda de mascotas tienes? / What funny or cute pet story do you have?

Yo he tenía solo he tenido dos mascotas, la primera fue un pollito que mi papá le compro a mi hermana ya que se lo habían pedido en el Colegio. Para nosotras era la primera vez que teníamos una mascota de la que nos teníamos que hacer responsable. Dé nombre al pollito le pusimos Tommy, me acuerdo que le arreglamos una cajita para que fuera como su cama con sábanas y una lámpara para que se mantuviera caliente y otra para que hiciera del baño, le enseñamos que cada vez le pegábamos palmaditas al suelo era para que el fuera a comer. A Tommy le tuvimos mucho cariño. Fueron meses en los que lo primero que hacíamos, apenas llegábamos del colegio, era jugar con él, darle mucho amor y darle comida. Recuerdo que cada vez que salía de su camita, corría por toda la casa le gustaba esconderse debajo de los muebles cuando le dábamos palmaditas en el suelo el salía corriendo hacia donde estábamos nosotras.

I have only had two pets, the first was a chick that my father bought for my sister since they had asked for it at the school. For us it was the first time that we had a pet for which we had to take responsibility. Give the chick a name, we named him Tommy, I remember we fixed a box for him so that it would be like his bed with sheets and a lamp to keep him warm and another to make him go to the bathroom, we taught him that every time we patted the floor it was for him to go to eat. We were very fond of Tommy. They were months in which the first thing we did, as soon as we got home from school, was to play with him, give him a lot of love and give him food. I remember that every time he got out of his bed, he ran all over the house, he liked to hide under the furniture when we patted him on the floor and he ran to where we were.

Recuerdo que tristemente nos levantamos un sábado en la mañana a jugar con él y enfermó, y no volvió a levantarse. Para nosotras fue muy doloroso que nuestro pollito Tommy se había muerto.


I remember sadly that we got up one Saturday morning to play with him and he got sick and never got up again. It was very painful for us that our CHICKEN Tommy had died.

Después de un tiempo mi mamá nos inscribió en clases de danza. Eran en un centro comercial de nuestra ciudad que tenía una tienda de mascotas. Un día entramos y nos enamoramos de una tortuguita de agua, que estaba en una de las peceras de la tienda. Mi mamá decidió comprarla, con la condición de que nos hiciéramos cargo de la tortuga y ASÍ fue. La llevamos a la casa en una pecera azul, con palmeritas y piedritas de colores. Recuerdo que nos repartimos las tareas, mi hermana la alimentaba y yo le cambiaba el agua a la pecera, y al revés. Decidimos llamarla Rebecca en homenaje al Morrocoy de mi abuela, su mascota por muchos años. Todas las tardes de ese año jugamos con ella, y la poníamos en el balcón para que agarrara sol. ASÍ pasaron los años, hasta que un día tal como cualquier otro, la pusimos en el balcón, y con una piedrita que cayó del piso de arriba, Rebecca se murió. Desde entonces no hemos vuelto a tener más mascotas, pero nos encantaría adoptar un perro o un gatico en un futuro.



After a while my mom enrolled us in dance classes. They were in a mall in our city that had a pet store. One day we went in and fell in love with a little water turtle, who was in one of the fish tanks in the store. My mother decided to buy it, on the condition that we take care of the turtle and SO it was. We take her home in a blue fishbowl, with palm trees and colored pebbles. I remember that we divided the tasks, my sister fed her and I changed the water in the fish tank, and vice versa. We decided to call her Rebecca in homage to my grandmother's Morrocoy, her pet for many years. Every afternoon that year we played with her, and we put her on her balcony to catch the sun. SO the years went by, until one day like any other, we put her on the balcony, and with a pebble that fell from the floor above, Rebecca died. Since then we have not had any more pets, but we would love to adopt a dog or kitten in the future.


invito a: @melasar

Enlace al concurso:


It's heart breaking when loved pet dies. It is a life lesson on our road to maturity and is always painful to endure. My Son's had a pair of wonderful Guinea Pigs for years, they were always fun, playful, cheerfully noisy and responded to my boys. They were so sad when they died a few months apart. I still have their little memorials in my home. I felt the same losing my little old watchdog. We now have a delightful Tabby cat.

Thanks for sharing @melisarm ❤️ and good luck! 🐤🐢

Thanks to you for reading me, and sharing the story of your pets.♡ @kerrislravenhill

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Gracias por la invitación ♡