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RE: Music from my memories| LOHC #91 [En-Es]

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Congratulations on your nicely written entry with responses to the Ladies of Hive Contest Round #91 question of favorite song receiving big curations and recognition.🙌

Of the three, I know and love the song "More than Words" by Extreme.

Thank you for your participation! @marybellrg


For me it is a pleasure to participate in this prestigious and beloved community that is doing such a beautiful job within Hive as it is to enhance the value of women. Music has the gift of transporting us to those moments and the company of special people.

For me, these three melodies occupy a large part of my heart and my most beautiful memories. It was a great pleasure to write this publication. Thank you for your welcome and your appreciation, I appreciate it very much! A big hug back! 😘🥰❤️🌹