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RE: Where Parents End And Children Begin | LOH Contest #148

in Ladies of Hive9 months ago

The only repayment I want from my girls, is that they make good use of their lives, enjoy their time on earth, and be good to others. Any sacrifice I have made (or will make) for them, is without strings :)

As always I very much enjoyed gaining insight into your perspective and I like how you get people thinking. I do tend to think my kids will have plenty of things to blame me for, all of which (or most at least) are my fault and my areas for improvement, but I don’t think any of us should focus too heavily on how our flaws and issues are our parents’ fault. Obviously, real trauma and abuse are at the fringe, but even people who’ve been thrown to hell and climbed their way back will need the strength to take accountability for their own ripples :)