My health journey - Hernia

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago

hand picked flowers by my daughter.jpg
Hand picked flowers by my daughter <3

Ups and downs they said but it will be fun!

It's quite true though, at times. Even though I never really loved the treadmill we had, because it was never my first choice, I still made the most out of it as many days as I could, despite my knees acting up every other day. I was set back constantly, yet I kept going back because I was highly motivated to get this blood pressure thing in order.

It ended with us sending it back, as it was faulty from the beginning and made more noise than the local fair's attractions at night, lol. We got fully refunded but I lost a lot of time (months!) to get my health in order. It sucked, and it was noticeable in some things that I didn't get enough movement throughout the day.

Back problems suck!

It was hard motivating myself to workout on the days that my back was kind enough to not be a pain in the ass (lol) I tried focussing on walking in the evenings as well as replacing unhealthy foods for healthier options. Meanwhile, I counted down until the end of June because then the pool would be open for 3 months, I was looking forward to making the most out of that throughout the summer.

On top of that we'd pick up the indoor bike for some extra indoor sports, which has been here since 2 weeks now, yet I could not use it right away..

Something worsened in my back

I don't know if it was caused by something, it was there suddenly and it was VERY painful. Some moments I almost screamed from the sharp pain I experienced and I knew I had to go back to a doctor for another MRI because the status of my back surely wasn't the same.

My boyfriend told me for a while he thought I had a hernia, I thought it wasn't the case, until it got worse, then I expected the MRI to show something new, worse than before.

Useless intake of medication

This is something I hate truly, taking all these meds that aren't good for you in the long run but you need them to get through the days right now. It sucks and I'm not a fan at all. Yet this has been my reality for quite some time, even though the months with a treadmill made it possible for me to stop taking the heaviest medication until things got worse again.

The doctor prescribed me several other medication which I stopped quite fast because they did not do anything for me and risking problems with my liver or stomach is not something I'm going to do if these meds don't even bring me any relief. In case you're wondering, yes I take a stomach protector as well. Before this new back issue occurred, my goal was work towards getting rid of the hypertension medication, this will now be a focus after the back is healed.

MRI scan: a small hernia L5-S1

So where last time the diagnosis was discopathy L5-S1, now it only mentioned a small hernia L5-S1. I wonder if they misdiagnosed it in the other clinic or that it's a double diagnosis instead? I can only say that at least now it's clear what the issue is and this is something that can be fixed. Great!

I admit that for a few days I was a bit scared of bad movements, wondering if it would make it worse so where I was lifting some things with weight before, right now I refrain from doing this as much as possible. Yet, I try to correct my posture, listing to my body VERY WELL and never overdo anything. Too long walking, sitting, laying it hurts too much. I'm constantly switching things up and it seems to relax the most when I lay on my back instead of my side.

Let's aim for physical therapy

The insurance once told me for physical therapy you need a referral from the traumatologist (very very busy and long wait) or shortcut: the rehabilitation doctor. The latter had a free spot in 10 days, which I booked right away. I double checked with the insurance if I remembered it correctly, which is the case. Now I just have to get through these days, stay in motion, listen to my body and hopefully get a referral as well as further instructions.

All doctors are on holiday so it seems

I have to wait until the end of August to get back to the doctor who referred me to the MRI scan, but that's ok because meanwhile I can see how things improve now that I dare to start using the indoor bike finally as well as continue the (almost) daily swims in the pool. I'm definitely gaining some muscle from that because often my arms and shoulders hurt lol. This was the most important thing to stay in motion, swimming. Thankfully, it will remain open until mid-September.

Offline time is best

So when I'm not online much, which happens a lot lately, this is not only due to me hanging out in the pool to enjoy some good old quality time with the kid, but often also because I just can't sit behind the computer for long. I take the signs very seriously now because I'd like the small hernia to heal rather than to become a big one.

Rest assured we are also enjoying the summer by getting out, having tapas and stuff like that.

Header image taken by yours truly.. a little surprise flower hand picked by my daughter, how sweet!


I'm so sorry you're having the back issues! I can completely understand and have had my fair share of them, but believe what I thought was my back is actually my hip! Long story.....

Anyway, I'm thinking the swimming is helping you. I hope things continue to improve and you feel better every day! Take care!

Sorry to read that you also had your fair share of these issues. I know very well what it's like to have hip pain myself. That's one of these pains that affect your whole day as well. Are these in the past now for you? Mine were caused by a shitty mattrass mostly..

The swimming is definitely a relief part of the day, not always guaranteed to help the whole day though. Like yesterday, we swam for 1,5 hours, and hours later, the pain started appearing full force anyway. It doesn't stop me from going though. Just rinse and repeat haha.

Thanks for stopping by !LADY, I appreciate it!

Sorry to read that you also had your fair share of these issues. I know very well what it's like to have hip pain myself. That's one of these pains that affect your whole day as well. Are these in the past now for you?

Mine is current and was really bad today. The interesting thing is that some days, the pain can be almost gone and walking is almost normal. Then on days like today, I feel like 100 years old and fell like I need a cane, lol! I do have arthritis and back in 1996, had a horse back riding injury that should have left me not of this world. I guess I'm not done yet. Someday soon, I'm going to have to go see about it.

Take care and have a lovely day!

In recalling my Nursing theory L5 puts it lower Lumber, S referring to the Sacral location of the hernia. Being in a pool can help to relieve some of the pressure off that injury. I have a friend that had a very painful version of an L2-L3 injury that required surgery, she is much better now. I hope your wait for treatment doesn't drag on @thisismylife, 🙏 for a quick recovery.

Doctor's orders were mostly: keep the swimming going, which I have been doing. On good days, when I don't feel it's causing more discomfort, I try to use the indoor bike as well and we go for walks frequently.

The swimming is definitely the thing that brings most relief, I will probably miss that pool after it closes in September, if my injury remains until then. My goal is to have good improvement before that time. Otherwise I will have to find an indoor pool to continue my swimming a few times a week.

Thanks for stopping by dear, hopefully your health is a bit better currently! See you tomorrow at the Monster Raffle, may luck be on your side! !LADY

I hope you recover soon. The good thing is that you spotted those changes on time... hehe

I'm sorry to hear you're suffering with your back again @thisismylife 😕 it's really a debilitating condition, and i know how you feel about the medication being damaging long term.

I'm glad to hear you're swimming tho. That would have been my advice for the best gentle exercise to do while healing from severe back issues, but you're already on to it 👍

I sincerely hope your back heals sooner rather than later my friend 🤞

Thanks @raj808, honestly it might sound strange but now that the diagnosis was a hernia, at least I know that it can be worked on, or worst case surgery (which I don't think is needed with a small one). Just one more week waiting until I see the first doctor after the diagnosis. Let's hope for physical therapy while I try to do my part without forcing things. I have ok days and really bad ones, but at least not every day is really bad..

Hope you are well, I have not been reading much lately, so definitely not up to date about everything..


it might sound strange but now that the diagnosis was a hernia, at least I know that it can be worked on, or worst case surgery

This doesn't seem strange to me. one of the worst things to live with is an undiagnosed health condition. It makes you feel trapped and helpless... believe me I understand how that feels. At least with a diagnosis you have a goal and a potential end in sight 👍

i hope the physical therapy improves things for you thisismylife.
All the best 🙂

It is quite a journey! I hope everything is solved soon!

Good luck with the therapy. Hope it works while you await the doctors return from holiday.

Thanks, it may sound weird but I'm looking forward to physical therapy, but have to get a ref from a doctor first. Meanwhile, swimming (and when I can bicycling) is my best shot to get some relief.


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That sucks that things have gotten worse, and hopefully physical therapy will improve it. Pills really do suck, but if they keep you out of horrible pain they may be worth it. Sorry to hear things aren't getting better on their own. Not being 21 anymore is a rough thing to accept, at least it is for me!

Yes, it sucks but what to do but deal with it, right? I could say that the timing is ok because at least now I can swim, once school starts, it will be closed again. Let's look at the bright side :) !PIMP

I don't really enjoy these things either, I have to say. But it also makes me appreciate some smooth days more rather than taking them for granted..

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/4 possible people today.


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Too bad they don't put a bubble over the pool in winter and keep it open. You know those canvas covering to keep the pool warm in winter.

You must be killin' it out here!
@thebighigg just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


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