Still missing… it was 2407. Don’t know if the other selected authors have also no tickets added. I saw it to late to notice for them.
Yesterday most of the top 10 were not selected, me neither so can’t tell if the 3 tickets from the travel digest were added yesterday.
The post with tag - ticket and the snaps are added everyday, so that works. Just the 3 from the travel digest not.
OH no. Only at your account or also all the others? Which TD? is it working again since then?
Still missing… it was 2407. Don’t know if the other selected authors have also no tickets added. I saw it to late to notice for them.
Yesterday most of the top 10 were not selected, me neither so can’t tell if the 3 tickets from the travel digest were added yesterday.
The post with tag - ticket and the snaps are added everyday, so that works. Just the 3 from the travel digest not.
Ok. I will keep investigating it. - Did you get your tickets today?
I did get them today 🥳