
Is there any way I can help host content? I am setting up IPFS nodes on diverse cloud providers (like AWS, Azure, etc...) to guarante my @threespeak videos stay up even if they are down, is there a way I can help Ecency?

Suggestion: Would be nice if I could get, for example, the IPFS hash of the photos I upload, so I can help and also pin myself on my server to guarantee availability, I bet I am not the only one willing to help host stuff

We don’t host images on ipfs but we have imagehoster instance that stores copy of all images on entire network and there are 2 independent instances right now, IPFS integration for uploading is something we are thinking to include with speak network.

Thank you!

Please, post/promote and let us (specially me) know when there is something I can help with.

I know infra structure is expensive so I am trying to help with whatever I can within my financial constraints. Will follow you too to get updates as soon as I get something I can help with.

hey, how come doesn't have keychain integration?

It does, you should probably allow it to use Keychain. You are not seeing Keychain on Login screen?

I only see this


Are you using Brave? You should allow keychain to access website.

nope firefox, but maybe something isn't working on my end

Firefox, good detail, looks like there was small bug on detection for firefox. We have fixed it, it will be rolled out with upcoming update.

cool! thanks