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RE: Unlocking Hive's Wealth: A Delegation Journey with Ecency.

in Ecency6 months ago

We totally forgot the biggest part...

When you stake you get about two and a half percent interest... Plus another 8% for delegation...

Don't forget that most people use the roughly 11%interest added to your other rewards .. making at times 20+%

Anyone saying you're just making 11% and putting it as this big huge radical payout is full of crap. That's what everybody gets and what I get just to delegate to myself..

Yeah that's right you can make 11% on your money by delegating it just to yourself from another account.....oh yeah....

So... You forgot the most important part about delegation!


This is exactly why I felt the need to @ you, cause I know with a post like this I might probably miss something. Thanks so much man for the addition. For anyone who reads this, please include this comment. Thank you 💪♥️

You are welcome! And good job on this post! Hopefully I'll get you through my free secrets of hive class soon.


Is that 11% passive?🤔