Spring has come to Osaka, Japan 🇯🇵 - 03222024

in Ecencylast month


I have planted many camellias in my Okan's garden. I love camellias, and when I found a rare variety, I bought it at the store and planted it. My parents also planted camellia seeds that they picked up at Horyuji Temple, and they germinated and grew too. My uncle also knew that I liked camellias, so he brought me camellia seedlings that he had potted and I planted them in the ground. Now that it's time for many kinds of camellias to bloom, including red, white, and pink, I realize once again that spring has come to Osaka 🎵.


🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦

🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

🥦See you again!🥦


🥦 https://linktr.ee/mizuo 🥦

💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨

🌬1) Prosperity - 利

🌬2) Decline - 衰

🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

🌬4) Honor - 誉

🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - 苦

🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

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HIVEってなんなん? 🍯🐝🐝👉ここチェック


Ecency vote?? What is it?? Lets go, #Ecency!! 🤩👏👏

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