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RE: Week 6 - end of the challenge - but the START OF MORE!

in Ecency6 months ago

Poor Taruk. He's blessed, though. He has you and a couple of people that will look after him. So lovely of you.

I am totally down to take a big step for my dreemspace. Not sure how, but I'll be daring to defy my own limitations I gave set mentally and jump at it. Let's see how it goes...



yes Taruk was without his master for a few months - as our friend went home to be with his family. He wasn't able to bring Taruk out - so Taruk was cared for mostly by my son daily. The man lived on a big ranch, so we would often go over and take walks and give Taruk some love.

As far as your dreemspace... remember - it doesn't have to be a location - or a place. perhaps your dreem space is some project that you want to launch... or a vision that needs to come to fruition...

but whatever you do - just start with something tangible that we can see and join in the excitement with you.

dreemers don't just talk. dreemers DO.