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RE: Mi primer año en Hive // My first year in Hive

in Ecency2 years ago

Thanks very much, Henry. Sometimes I have not managed to be as active as I would have liked and sometimes it is simply life that makes things difficult for us. In the end, the important thing is not to lose focus and to come back, even if only half-heartedly, to continue sowing.
Let's hope that between all of us we will reap a fruitful harvest sooner rather than later. 🤗

Muchas gracias, Henry. En ocasiones no he logrado ser todo lo activa que me hubiera gustado y en otras es simplemente la vida quien se empeña en hacernos las cosas difíciles. Al final lo importante es no perder el foco y regresar aunque sea a medio gas para continuar sembrando.
Ojalá que entre todos consigamos una provechosa cosecha más pronto que tarde. 🤗