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RE: Unlocking Hive's Wealth: A Delegation Journey with Ecency.

in Ecency6 months ago

Oh no, if you've read the post very well, you'd noticed that I only mentioned you concerning knowing what HP is and how upvote works. Some friends of mine wanted to understand it better and that's why I added that up. You never told us to delegate all our hive power and I also stated that out in my post that it's not good to delegate all your Hive power. I would never teach people to do that. But rather I was teaching on the difference.

I also clearly stated out the disadvantages of delegating all your Hive power.

I hope you did not misunderstand my article?


No worries, I got it right... Just want to emphasize that I don't agree with that approach... ;)

I understand you completely Sir.🤝♥️