in HODL3 years ago

When making transactions in a decentralised exchange, the buyers/sellers trade without having to give up control over their fund to an intermediary unlike the centralized exchange. This makes most users prefer to trade on decentralised exchanges .

Digimonswap is an automated market maker(AMM), which is a type of decentralised exchange which allows assets to be traded automatically using liquidity pool rather than the traditional method of placing order in the market. Users supply liquidity using cryptocurrency tokens whose prices are determined by a constant mathematical formula.digimonswap is built on Binance smart chain.

A good project needs a token for its activities, control and governance.
Digimon is the main strength of digimonswap ecosystem and its used to power all activities and control in the community.

Digimonx is the governance token of Digimonwap. Digimonx allows users to provide liquidity and in turn be rewarded in BNB and Digimon. It is used for marketing,reward for staking and others.

Digimon decentralised application is a very user friendly application which can be used even by someone with vague knowledge about dApps. Digimon dApp has various services offered by digimonswap all on it and the financial services can be easily located and navigated by users. Some of them are: Digifarm,Digistake,Digimon IDO, Digimonlive.

Farming is a way of generating reward by providing liquidity and locking assets based on a smart contract for a particular coin and then getting a percentage in the transaction fees and a part in the interest generated. Assets farming is temporary, a user can decide to unfarm at anytime. Digimonswap provides farming services with high apy to maximise the users profit.

This involves the act of locking up the native coin(DIGIMON) to support the operations abd security of a blockchain, and the user getting reward in return.

IDO means initial Dex offering.
Digimon-IDO helps the project in building a community at the early stage, it gives early supporters the opportunity to token sales with a reduced price before the coin hits the market. Unlike some other IDOs, Digimon-IDO is a very safe and profitable service.

Digimon live will be integrating and tracking community growth, open-source code development, major events and on-chain metrics, market prices and volume of tokens listed red on defi exchanges e.g pancakeswap,julswap and more.

Smart Contract Digimonswap: https://bscscan.com/token/0x564ff4281e1812e1507a999fc113f4036e012130

Smart Contract Digimonx: https://bscscan.com/token/0xf7f11fbfab1200d42cc8665b9dc52f5e3099a21d

Website: https://digimonswap.org/

Telegram: https://t.me/DigimonSw

Arabic Telegram: https://t.me/DigimonSwapArabic

Announcement channel: https://t.me/DigimonSwapAnn

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DigimonSwap

Github: https://github.com/DigimonSwap

Doc: https://app.gitbook.com/@digimonswap/s/intro/

Thanks for reading