
LOL how do I get moose coin? Sweden looks very pretty when its not covered in snow, I think I would be able to walk around here during these sunny times, maybe with a jacket on lol

Not a moose. They never go so close to house. It is a raindeer. You know that pull santaclaus sledge.
In this village theese animals goes just outside Windows.

If you like hunting mountain skiing bicycling and down hill - this is the Place to be

Okay Ben Affleck calm down, it's a raindeer, you do know when its Christmas here its balls hot and we go to the beach right? We don't know about no damn Santa and his sleigh

I literally don't do any of that except cycling lol, but I'd like to try hunting and skiing

You call me Ben Affleck
Then you are....Craig Wright.
Come and try skiing and go down-hill cycling instead! I Will show pics later in blogpost.

Christmas without snow...sounds like love without kisses