Hive Daily Mix - Crypto - 2025-02-16

The first AI powered recap of the best crypto posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).

February 16

Hive Open Mic Week 253 "Dear Diary"-Britney Spears(Cover Song) by @mariolisrnaranjo. - by @mariolisrnaranjo
Original language: English, Spanish
The post is about @mariolisrnaranjo participating in Hive Open Mic Week 253 with a cover of Britney Spears' song 'Dear Diary'. The post describes the emotions and themes of the song, highlighting the innocence and vulnerability of youth love.

Original language: Italian
Il post discute il cambiamento nel ciclo quadriennale di Bitcoin e analizza come l'ingresso di istituzioni e regolamentazioni definite stia influenzando il mercato criptovalutario. Vengono esaminati i segnali di un nuovo paradigma e le possibili evoluzioni future.

Hive Promotion on Web2 as Sport: a Weekly Race with Valuable Prizes 👇 HivePosh Contest #17 - by @x-rain
The post promotes the HivePosh Contest #17, where participants can link their Reddit to Hive on and share links to win prizes based on views.

Massive Institutionelle Einstiege: Hedgefonds und Staatsfonds setzen auf Krypto! 🚀 - by @lichtblick
Original language: German
Massive institutional entries: Hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds are investing in cryptocurrencies.

Prepare for a Massive Rollout... - by @pocketechange
The post discusses a potential overhaul of the U.S. monetary system, suggesting the replacement of fiat currency with sound money and detailing how this transition could work.

My Tour in Moon Karts Market - by @harry-jacob
The post discusses the author's experience with Moon Karts Market, highlighting the strategic gameplay and opportunities for development and customization.

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).


Thanks for the mention. Have a good day and bleesings.

Thank you :-)