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RE: A Daily Conversation

in Reflections8 months ago

I don't know, I feel more and more objective and contemplative, perhaps not assertive because I am always going against the current. I read a lot of content here in the hive; there is a lot of waste that is highly valued and good content that gets passed over. I'm inclined to post daily in what I love to participate in which are the challenges, usually on Thursdays I write something to meditate on from my point of view... Certainly, I stay active, I don't quote big earnings, but that has never mattered to me in this medium.


Do you think you are going against the current or, are you just someone who complains about others? :D

I think there is value in engaging with different forms of content, as well as different kinds of people. However, I also feel that some people will only ever see what they want to see, regardless of what they are viewing.

It's easier to destroy an atom than a prejudice...
Albert Einstein.