
in Reflectionslast year

I remember that about 20 years ago, the media in my country promoted an administrative system as the best in the world. I must admit I never believed this propaganda, orchestrated by excessively wealthy groups and individuals attempting to manipulate the masses into believing what they desired. At that time, the only way to obtain accurate information was to physically go to an administration. It took time, but generally, we managed to get what we wanted, as long as we adhered to reasonable opening and closing hours. What constitutes a reasonable opening hour? Well, if a civil servant started at 8:00 AM and finished at 12:00 PM, one should not approach them at 11:15 AM, as by then, they were already preparing to close at noon. They had nothing else to do but leave at noon, but on principle, 11:15 AM was considered an acceptable time to stop or prepare to stop working. Sometimes, we encountered obstinate individuals who neither sought to think nor assist us. They were there simply to exist, and no solution presented itself. The most commonly used method was to request a missing document for the file, even if you had already provided it three times. I will now discuss today's situation, which has ultimately worsened. All services are computerized, and no procedure can be completed without using a computer. Imagine the elderly who still struggle to convert from francs to euros, and I'm referring to a monetary change that occurred in 2000, over 24 years ago. For these older individuals, using a computer is a real ordeal. Those who designed the interfaces to communicate with the administration did everything to make the process as difficult as possible. Sometimes, for tasks such as obtaining a car registration, if you encounter difficulties, they provide you with a link and ask you to choose the type of problem. When reading the listed problems, you realize that yours is not among them. You then decide to choose an option at random, hoping that your potential interlocutor will answer your question. However, they redirect you, informing you that you made the wrong choice. It's crucial to note that you waited 45 minutes on the phone to get a response, and it often happens that they hang up, as if there was a "glitch" at 11:15. Yes, it's always the same person behind the phone, who seems to have even less desire to work. I will stop here because I could write a novel of over a thousand pages just about the administration that costs the taxpayer dearly and does nothing to improve matters. Fortunately, to salvage some honor, it occasionally happens that you find a kind and conscientious person who will assist you. Unfortunately, they are far too few. I imagine that this struggle exists in your country as well!


When I lived in Argentina, I saw that every day, the first part of what you mentioned and today it remains the same.... and when we talk about IT, older people are never taken into account... when I taught them, Many times he helped them do the paperwork, because their children did not have time to help them... it is a sad reality.

Esta situación es claramente internacional. Gracias por leer mi texto sobre esta situación francesa.

Parece que todos los países se han puesto de acuerdo... preocupante, sobre todo por las personas mayores.