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RE: Bottle of Magic

in Reflectionslast year (edited)

It's good to hear your company is doing it right. Or at least better than most others.

A lot of us get motivated to improve, but somewhere along the way, we often fail to turn it into activity.

Then forget about it and later make excuses. Human nature, eh? But on the opposite extreme many companies do endless motivational talk but without action so it is hollow.

But I know it's harder than then, so I shouldn't be glib. You end it well: the right action at the right time.


Then forget about it and later make excuses. Human nature, eh?

yeas it is. The next shiny thing comes along. Or, the next leader with "different" ideas. A lot of the conversation I have heard over the years working with various companies is hollow, but I feel that in some companies at least, this is changing, as it has to in order to keep people engaged. It is hard to hold onto good people these days.