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RE: e-hoarding?

in Reflections11 months ago

Work stuff is different as you need to be careful what you delete, you never know what you're going to need, or when, but even in that case, I don't think it's justified to keep 3 or 4 years old stuff. So cleaning those old things is recommended from time to time.

Looks like you have a well established and working system already, so you're on the right track 😃

I will say digital cleaning feels somewhat the same as physical cleaning. I guess it feels nice to clean up and gain useable space. We can obtain a lot of data on our hand held and personal devices can't we?

I couldn't agree more. Well said. I have an 1TB external hard drive, which is half full (or half empty? 😂), but even so, I think there's room for some cleaning, so it's coming up next.

Thanks for the comment and have a nice weekend.